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Shinso's Blue Eyes White Dragon Deck, Rate and Review!


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Hi, this is my second post here at Yugioh Card Maker. I perused the rules, and I will post my deck and hopefully have it rate and reviewed. Please provide suggestions, and if you use terminology or abbreviations that people in the real world wouldn't understand please explain it :) . Thank you for your time, I really appreciate it.


P. S., I am a noob, and I am doing this from the top of my head. I will update the deck in my latest post, so please feel free to provide suggestions for me even if this topic gets to be months old.



3x Blue Eyes White Dragon

2x Kaibaman

2x White Stone of Legend

3x Luster Dragon

2x Masked Dragon

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

1x The Creator

1x The Creator Incarnate

1x Montage Dragon

1x Gorz Emissary of Darkness

1x Herald of Creation



1x Stamping Destruction

1x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Soul Exchange

1x Fissure

1x Nobleman of Crossout

2x Ancient Rules

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x Swing of Memories <-- Will add Later, suggested by Jabber2033 Thanks!

1x Dragon's Mirror

1x Pot of Avarice <-- Will add Later, suggested by Jabber 2033 Thanks!


3x Birthright

2x Jar of Greed

1x Magic Cylinder




1x Stardust Dragon

1x Blue Eyes Ultimate

1x 5-headed God Dragon


Cards I NEED and I will be shopping for online:

1x Burst Stream

3x Solemns

3x Roars

1x Pot of Avarice


Cards I THINK I will be getting but not anytime soon:

1x Red Eyes Darkness Metal


==> As of now I think I'm short a few cards. I have 40, I just forgot them. I will finish the list when I get home, but PLEASE let me know what you think I should definitely add.


I am considering: Threatening Roars, Burst Stream of Destruction, Red Eyes Metal, Solemn Judgements (Expensive =[ )


I might be adding: 1x Kaibaman, 1x Ancient Rules, 1x White Stone, 1x Future Fusion


Thanks all.

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3x Blue Eyes White Dragon

2x Kaibaman

2x White Stone of Legend

3x Luster Dragon

2x Masked Dragon

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

1x The Creator

1x The Creator Incarnate

1x Montage Dragon

1x Gorz Emissary of Darkness

1x Herald of Creation



1x Stamping Destruction

1x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Soul Exchange

1x Fissure

1x Nobleman of Crossout

2x Ancient Rituals



3x Birthright

2x Jar of Greed

1x Magic Cylinder



1x Stardust Dragon

1x Blue Eyes Ultimate

1x 5-headed God Dragon


==> As of now I think I'm short a few cards. I have 40' date=' I just forgot them. I will finish the list when I get home, but PLEASE let me know what you think I should definitely add.


I am considering: [b']Threatening Roars[/b], Burst Stream of Destruction, Red Eyes Metal, Solemn Judgements (Expensive =[ )


I might be adding: 1x Kaibaman, 1x Ancient Ritual, 1x White Stone


Thanks all.


I like it, but it could use some work. Add all of the bolded cards, as well as Pot of Avarice, and Swing of Memories if you have it. PoA gives you back the Kaibamans and BEWDs. Swing brings BEWD back for one turn but its all you need for Burst Stream. Replace the Stamping Destruction with Heavy Storm or MST. Storm and MST do the same as Stamping without the dragon monster requirement. Possibly add a Future Fusion or Dragon's Mirror for BEUD. Also, WHERE'S MONSTER REBORN?!


BTW, what's Ancient Ritual? Do you mean Ancient Rules?

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Lol, I knew I messed something up. It was Ancient Rules.


I will add Swing of Memories when I get a Burst Stream, and I had Heavy Storm and Monster Reborn in the deck I just forgot to list them Haha.


Thank you very much for your help, is there anything else I should add? Do you think I should run Plague Zombie in this deck for easier synchro summoning?

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you are most definitely missing prisma.



ancient rules is bad.

dont run it.

or kaibaman.

the best way to run blue eyes is to summon him from the grave instead of the hand.


With what card? IF I don't run kaiba or ancient, then I'll be removing a significant number of monsters/spells so what should I replace them with?

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Tronta is right. Blue Eyes is easier to get from the grave. Though, decks aren't always that easy, and it can't hurt to have some level of insurance for the even that he's not in the grave when you need him.


I would definitely add in REDRUM though.

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Read my user tital


[spoiler=Read this TC, Incase you dont get what I'm saying]


Its ONLY good, If its in a burn deck. A deck that uses Blue Eyes, Is NOT a burn deck. Please remove it, And replace it with something better. Since Magic Cylinder is terrible. Magic Cylinder cannot be chained, Apon targeted for destruction, Is a sitting duck most of the time, Wont win the duel(waiting for the last minute to use it, doesnt count) and only deals LOLLIFEPOINT damage, Whare now-a-days, People dont care about lifepoints. Please remove Magic Cylinder, Since thare are SO MANY better options


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Updated List:



3x Blue Eyes White Dragon

2x Kaibaman

2x White Stone of Legend

3x Luster Dragon

3x Masked Dragon

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

1x The Creator

1x The Creator Incarnate

1x Montage Dragon

1x Gorz Emissary of Darkness

1x Herald of Creation

1x Spirit Reaper



1x Stamping Destruction

1x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Fissure

1x Nobleman of Crossout

2x Ancient Rules

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x Brain Control

1x Swing of Memories

1x Scapegoat

1x Dragon's Mirror

1x Pot of Avarice <-- Will add Later, suggested by Jabber 2033 Thanks!



3x Birthright

2x Jar of Greed

1x Mirror Force <---- Armadilloz, took your advice and replaced MC

1x Draining Shield



1x Stardust Dragon

1x Blue Eyes Ultimate

1x 5-headed God Dragon


Cards I NEED and I will be shopping for online:

1x Burst Stream

3x Solemns

3x Roars

1x Pot of Avarice


Cards I THINK I will be getting but not anytime soon:

1x Red Eyes Darkness Metal


==> As of now I think I'm short a few cards. I have 40, I just forgot them. I will finish the list when I get home, but PLEASE let me know what you think I should definitely add.


I am considering: Threatening Roars, Burst Stream of Destruction, Red Eyes Metal, Solemn Judgements (Expensive =[ )




I will be looking out for the Red eyes, Solemens, Burst, and the Roars. Thanks for the help all.


Also, I will be looking for Prisma, Foolish, Tradein, all that to replace my Kaiba set.

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I have both Burst and Pot of Ad.. Shame I wanna sell them too but I don't have a credit card..


but as far as the deck goes.. it needs Future Fusion and/or Dragon's Mirror.. plus I don't really see the Creators really needed here when you have spells/traps that do the job... and Masked I think should be at 3 also Brain Control and Monster Reborn... NOW!

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Alright TC, Ima use my Deck Master's special ability. Which is called 'Homing Sniper'. What it does, Is that it finds seartan cards, Puts them in bold and then forces you to remove them:


3x Blue Eyes White Dragon

2x Kaibaman

2x White Stone of Legend

3x Luster Dragon

3x Masked Dragon

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

1x The Creator

1x The Creator Incarnate

1x Montage Dragon

1x Gorz Emissary of Darkness

1x Herald of Creation

1x Spirit Reaper



1x Stamping Destruction

1x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Fissure

1x Nobleman of Crossout

2x Ancient Rules

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x Brain Control

1x Swing of Memories

1x Scapegoat

1x Dragon's Mirror

1x Pot of Avarice



3x Birthright

2x Jar of Greed

1x Mirror Force

1x Draining Shield



1x Stardust Dragon

1x Blue Eyes Ultimate

1x 5-headed God Dragon

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@~Emo~ : OMG What the hell, How do i fix it?? Take them back out?

@~Arma~ : Should I replace them with another Monster? Also, Herald will be removed soon after I get some trade ins since I'm not using Kaiba/Ancients much longer

@~C.C. Blitz~ : 2 More Dragons Mirror!!! O_O I only have 2 fusions! I will look into the Monster ate ASAP. Maybe a Future fusion? That way I can get rid of the White stones from my deck and get some blue eyes to my hand to trade in or something

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Guest setojim

how about:


- herald

- all luster dragon

- ancient rules

- stamping destruction

- 2 jars

+ 3 red-eyes darkness metal dragon

+ 2 dragon's mirror

+ more good cards


Unless this is to be a pure blue-eyes build. if so, then it needs:


+3 Prisma

+3 Honest

+ more stuff

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Got some new cards, some promos. By the way, don't look forward to the new cards unless you're a blackwings fan.


Updated List:


Monsters : 22

3x Blue Eyes White Dragon

2x Kaibaman

3x White Stone of Legend

2x Vanguard of the Dragon

3x Masked Dragon

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

1x The Creator

1x The Creator Incarnate

1x Montage Dragon

1x Gorz Emissary of Darkness

1x Herald of Creation

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Elemental Hero Prisma

1x Grand Neo-spacian Mole


Spells : 11

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Fissure

2x Ancient Rules

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x Burst Stream of Destruction

1x Dragon's Mirror

1x Pot of Avarice <-- suggested by Jabber 2033 Thanks!


Traps : 7

3x Birthright

2x Reckless Greed

1x Mirror Force <---- Armadilloz, took your advice and replaced MC

1x Solemn Judgement



1x Stardust Dragon

1x Blue Eyes Ultimate

1x 5-headed God Dragon


Cards I NEED and I will be shopping for online:

2x Solemns

3x Roars


Cards I THINK I will be getting but not anytime soon:

1x Red Eyes Darkness Metal





Vanguard of the Dragon (new card)

4 stars, 1700 attack 1300 defense



You can send 1 Dragon type monster from your hand to the graveyard and have this card gain 300 ATK. When this card you control is sent to the Graveyard by your opponent's card effect, you can special summon 1 Dragon-Type Normal Monster from either player's Graveyard.

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Newest Update!!




Monsters : 21

3x Blue Eyes White Dragon

2x Kaibaman

3x White Stone of Legend

3x Vanguard of the Dragon

3x Masked Dragon

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

1x Montage Dragon

1x Gorz Emissary of Darkness

1x Herald of Creation

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Elemental Hero Prisma

1x Grand Neo-spacian Mole


Spells : 11

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Fissure

2x Ancient Rules

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x Burst Stream of Destruction

1x Dragon's Mirror

1x Future Fusion


Traps : 8

3x Birthright

2x Reckless Greed

1x Mirror Force

1x Solemn Judgement

1x Threatening Roar


Fusion/Synchro : 3

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Blue Eyes Ultimate

1x 5-headed God Dragon


Cards I need and will be Shopping for online:

2x Solemns

2x Roars


Cards I THINK I will be getting but not anytime soon:

1x Red Eyes Darkness Metal

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ya know....

i give.


Newest Update!!




Monsters : 18

3x Blue Eyes White Dragon

3x White Stone of Legend

3x Vanguard of the Dragon

3x Masked Dragon

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

1x Montage Dragon

1x Gorz Emissary of Darkness

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Elemental Hero Prisma

1x Neo-Spacian Grand Mole


Spells : 15

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Reinforcement of the Army

2x Ancient Rules

1x Tribute to the Doomed

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x Burst Stream of Destruction

1x Future Fusion

1x Foolish Burial

1x Card Destruction

1x Giant Trunade

2x Swings of Memory

1x Card of Safe Return


Traps : 7

3x Birthright

1x Jar of Greed

1x Mirror Force

1x Solemn Judgement

1x Threatening Roar


Fusion/Synchro : 3

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Blue Eyes Ultimate

1x 5-headed God Dragon


Cards I need and will be Shopping for online:

2x Solemns

2x Roars

1x Swing of Memories

3x Trade-ins


Cards I THINK I will be getting but not anytime soon:

1x Red Eyes Darkness Metal



~~~Any Thoughts? I fixed the Deck but I don't have the draw power, Tronta.

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