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Harpie Swarm!!!!!1


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Well, technically, because Harpies 1, 2, and 3 are each counted as "Harpie Lady", you can have only 3 total. Meaning, you can only have one of each, or two of one, than one of another, etc. Because Harpie Queen only counts as a Harpie Lady while on the field or in the graveyard, it's okay to have 3 more of those in your deck. So, all in all, you can only have a total of 6 Harpie Ladies in your deck, not the 12 you've posted.

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thats not true because it only counts as harpie lady when it is on the field so you can have 3 of all of them' date=' you should get some cyber harpie cards





The Harpies is a special group of monsters identified by having "Harpie" 「ハーピィ」 in their Japanese name and the phrase This card's name is treated as "Harpie Lady" in their text with the exception of the original Harpie Lady.


However' date=' because of a ruling on the above-mentioned phrase, a player can only have three of any combination of the existing Harpie monsters (except for Harpie Lady Sisters and Harpie Queen) in their [b']deck and side deck[/b].)


So creating a Harpie deck is basicly impossible, unless you combine it with a WIND deck/Winged-Beast deck, which is a bad idea anyway.

The only good one is Harpie lady 3, which stops a monster from attacking for 2 turns.

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The Harpies is a special group of monsters identified by having "Harpie" 「ハーピィ」 in their Japanese name and the phrase This card's name is treated as "Harpie Lady" in their text with the exception of the original Harpie Lady.


However' date=' because of a ruling on the above-mentioned phrase, a player can only have three of any combination of the existing Harpie monsters (except for Harpie Lady Sisters and Harpie Queen) in their [b']deck and side deck[/b].)


So creating a Harpie deck is basicly impossible, unless you combine it with a WIND deck/Winged-Beast deck, which is a bad idea anyway.

The only good one is Harpie lady 3, which stops a monster from attacking for 2 turns.


Screw this deck then.

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thats not true because it only counts as harpie lady when it is on the field so you can have 3 of all of them' date=' you should get some cyber harpie cards





The Harpies is a special group of monsters identified by having "Harpie" 「ハーピィ」 in their Japanese name and the phrase This card's name is treated as "Harpie Lady" in their text with the exception of the original Harpie Lady.


However' date=' because of a ruling on the above-mentioned phrase, a player can only have three of any combination of the existing Harpie monsters (except for Harpie Lady Sisters and Harpie Queen) in their [b']deck and side deck[/b].)


So creating a Harpie deck is basicly impossible, unless you combine it with a WIND deck/Winged-Beast deck, which is a bad idea anyway.

The only good one is Harpie lady 3, which stops a monster from attacking for 2 turns.

Harpie Lady 3 is horrible. The best Harpie Lady (not including Harpie Queen) is is Harpie Lady 1. They become a nice 1600 that can be summoned by Kamakiri. They give a great attack boost. If Harpie 3 destroyed the monster, it'd be worth it, but not right now when all it does is create useless stall.



The deck should include:

3 Harpie Lady 1

3 Harpie Queen

3 Flying Kamakiri

2 Silpheed OR Winged Sage Falcos


2 Harpies Hunting Ground

2 Creature Swap


2 Hysteric Party

1 Icarus Attack


All other Harpie Cards are too situational. Just throw in sime staples and ways to ditch Harpies into the grave like Morphing Jar and Card Destruction and you'll be set.

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Yeah' date=' well until there's a RotA or an E-Call for Harpies (Sangan won't cut it), it's not worth making a deck out of it. At least not to me.



well, so "elegant egotist" and "hysteric party" are not enough for you, huh??


if i get "pissy" is only 'cause i hate when the people say "you just can have 3 harpies, so this deck sucks"... but when my deck rips their life points they say i'm a cheater or i had lucky...


anyway... i didn't post my deck 'cause i hate being netdecked (my virus deckout has been netdecked, so it doesn't matter to post it) but maybe i'll put my deck, just to show you how this deck works smoothly...

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