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Genius Sage's Super Splice Shop - Pokémon, Digimon, Megaman, and Kirby Splices {Temporarily Closed, Not Doing Orders; A


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thank you for my kirby i was on a vaction so thats why i have not been on

Name of Poke'mon/Item Splice:

Poke'mon/Item(s) Wanted for Splice:

kirby sprites now

Name of Character Wanted for Splice:if it is possible can i just get the heartless kirby that you have in the examples i will pay for this one after you tell me yes or no

Name of Character Wanted for Splice:koopa

Name of Character Wanted for Splice:megaman (original)

extra info: thank you so much

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Yeah, here you go.





AgeOfPwn, here's your order. Since the Aura Head virus is only a floating head with a barrier, this is the best I could do. I hope you like it.




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Kirby splice

Charcters: Kirby + Master cheife

Extra: Can you make it Samus Kirby from SSBB style


Kirby Splice

Charcters: Kirby + Kritter, (Goaly from Mario Strikers)

Extra: Can you make it like a Green scaly kirby with a 00 jersy, white with red numbers.


I will pay you 10 points altogether.

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game_boy, here's your other splices.





Without Wings




With Wings




Mayko, you say you want Kirby + Master Chief, but you say make it Samus? What do you mean by that? I have a Master Chief and Kirby splice if you want that one. Plus, with the one with the Kritter would be too hard. Kirby's not that big, so I wouldn't be able to fit all that on him.

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game_boy' date=' here's your other splices.





Without Wings




With Wings




Mayko, you say you want Kirby + Master Chief, but you say make it Samus? What do you mean by that? I have a Master Chief and Kirby splice if you want that one. Plus, with the one with the Kritter would be too hard. Kirby's not that big, so I wouldn't be able to fit all that on him.


I ment how they blended the helmate and suit onto kirby, but I'll just take the splice you have and for the kritter, just cancle it.

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can i have a pokemon splice, with dialga, palkia and giratina

can it look like it is ready to attack?

and a digimon splice, with kimeramon, impdramon and dragoramon

same pose will pay!

give them any name, not bothered about name.

tell me when to pay

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