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Haseo's Sig World of Epicness


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You already make awesome sig for me once....make me another?


Render: If you can find a better one that you like its fine with me, just want a sig with Nel Tu from bleach....here is one of the better ones i was able to find.


or maybe this...idk


Colors(Optional): Work with the green....

Text(Optional): None.

Size of sig: Anything will do

Pm you the sig or post here?: Pm

Do you want me to pm or post the code?: Pm

Anything else you want to add: like i said, if you can find a better render, be my guest, all i want is adult version of Nel Tu though.


Edit: I have two Other Orders:


Render: http://i677.photobucket.com/albums/vv135/Kaiser_Axle/IchigonewHollowform.png


Text(Optional): Tefached

Size of sig: Standard.

Pm you the sig or post here?: pm

Do you want me to pm or post the code?:pm

Anything else you want to add:





Render: http://i677.photobucket.com/albums/vv135/Kaiser_Axle/1165012772gz1.png


Text(Optional): Tensa Zangetsu

Size of sig:Standard

Pm you the sig or post here?: pm

Do you want me to pm or post the code?: pm

Anything else you want to add:

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Since you guys are ordering a lot i will post who i will make sigs for and who i will not. orry for the people that i don't do it.

Tefached-Will do the first two orders!Third is a bad quality render

Freeshooter-Will do!

Fallen: Sorry, the render is bad so i will not make a sig

~TwIsTeD~: Will make the sig

「₦agato.Pein」«★» : I will make!

Kagamine Len: I will make, but the text will not be good!

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