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Haseo's Sig World of Epicness


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To Kpo: I have finished your sigs!

[spoiler=Link][spoiler=Link with text]2vc8cbt.png


[spoiler=Link without text]dnmw7b.png



[spoiler=Sonic][spoiler=Sonic With Text]rble07.png


[spoiler=Sonic Without text]s6ivci.png



To I Am: Your sig is almost done. Also, Sven is awesome!

To FS: I am finishing up your sigs! Also, Black cat is the best.

Waiting List:


I am


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To Kpo: I have finished your sigs!

[spoiler=Link][spoiler=Link with text]2vc8cbt.png


[spoiler=Link without text]dnmw7b.png



[spoiler=Sonic][spoiler=Sonic With Text]rble07.png


[spoiler=Sonic Without text]s6ivci.png



To I Am: Your sig is almost done. Also' date=' Sven is awesome!

To FS: I am finishing up your sigs! Also, Black cat is the best.

Waiting List:


I am





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To Fs: Glad you like it! Not planning of changing my name yet.

To El_Kpo: Glad you like!

To Chidori: I have made you your gift and i think it is one of my best. The render was easy to work with and this is the first si i have used that contains smudging and c4ds!!

[spoiler=Color Version]jsd891.png


[spoiler=Black and White]2rqejp0.png


To I am: Your sig is done and i like it! I wil pm you shortly!

Waiting List:


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Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-19933 or http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-27082 you can pick the render you make a sig out of.

Colors(Optional): Grey, Black, brown, colors that would suite the render.


Size of sig: 360 - 120

Pm you the sig or post here?: PM

Do you want me to pm or post the code?: yes pm it


You can make both if you wnat.

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I would like one


Render: Whatever you think is good.

Colors(Optional): Blue

Text(Optional): .:Super Sonic_Zach:.

Size of sig: same as the one in mine.

Pm you the sig or post here?: post

Do you want me to pm or post the code?: post

Anything else you want to add: nah

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Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-25393 or http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-45221 (your choose)

Colors(Optional): You choose (What ever looks best)

Text(Optional): GHLegend (Make it say that in like handwriting)

Size of sig: About or t the same size of the one in mt sig

Pm you the sig or post here?: PM

Do you want me to pm or post the code?: PM

Anything else you want to add: Thank you for asking for a new one!

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Render: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20boy/Anita101_05/Threads0013BaileyKiari.jpg?o=7

Colors(Optional): N/A

Text(Optional): N/A

Size of sig: 600 x 250

Pm you the sig or post here?: PM please :D

Do you want me to pm or post the code?: PM please

Anything else you want to add: Make the background whatever you think would look good with the render :D

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Colors(Optional): Greens' date=' Yellows, and Browns...earthy.[/b']

Text(Optional): Toph

Size of sig: 300x150

Pm you the sig or post here?: Both.

Do you want me to pm or post the code?: PM would be fine.

Anything else you want to add: Not really, but make the text sideways along the left side.

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