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Haseo's Sig World of Epicness


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[align=center]I am making sigs and everything i make will be free. I will give you points if the render is really good or that i just like it. This idea comes from .con and Hobbes. Anyway, please fill out the form located at the end of the post and if i like it i will make it. Please read the rules and you should be fine.


This is a thread full of gift sigs, but also all the sigs i have ever made. I am using this as an example:






1.No spamming

2.If i do not like your render then i will not make a sig for you.If you give me a neg for this i will report you to a mod. You have been warned.

3.You can try to order again if i decline your other orders

4. I will post the waiting list under all of my posts. So don't ask to finish yours sooner than anyone. I do it by who order first.

5.Sigs will be posted here or pmed

6.I only take 2-4 orders per person until i finish your other orders

7.All other YCM rules apply








Size of sig:

Pm you the sig or post here?:

Do you want me to pm or post the code?:

Anything else you want to add:



Important Things

1.Do Not Be Impatient!!

2.Sigs will be done either the day order or a day later.

3.I will give up to 50 points if i receive a good render.

4.I will banned you from this shop if you spam or do not follow the rules.



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yay!!!my name!!!!1!!!




Size of sig:slick...400isg x 100ish(best size)

Pm you the sig or post here?:whatever is best for you

Do you want me to pm or post the code?:/\

Anything else you want to add:thnx.

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yay!!!my name!!!!1!!!

Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-19276



Size of sig:slick...400isg x 100ish(best size)

Pm you the sig or post here?:whatever is best for you

Do you want me to pm or post the code?:/\

Anything else you want to add:thnx.


Accepted! Awesome render. I will make yours starting......now!

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I have finished your order! It is free and one rep for you for being my first customer! Anywa, tell me how it is via pm or just post telling me please.




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I'll order 3 sigs:




Text(Optional): The Gaming Project

Size of sig: 420 x 120

Pm you the sig or post here?: Post It

Do you want me to pm or post the code?: No

Anything else you want to add: Nothing




Text(Optional): The Gaming Project

Size of sig: 420 x 120

Pm you the sig or post here?: Post It

Do you want me to pm or post the code?: No

Anything else you want to add: Nothing




Text(Optional): The Gaming Project

Size of sig: 420 x 120

Pm you the sig or post here?: Post It

Do you want me to pm or post the code?: No

Anything else you want to add: Nothing

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Render: http://www.siliconera.com/news/0704/Atoli.jpg AND http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/dothack/images/thumb/f/f3/Haseo_Pose.JPG/445px-Haseo_Pose.JPG

Colors(Optional): A lightish green to red gradient would be appreciated.


Size of sig: 600 x 200

Pm you the sig or post here?: PM please

Do you want me to pm or post the code?: Pm please

Anything else you want to add: Add a nice background. Surprise me. :D

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Render: This, http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-21142 , or this, http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-10623 , or this, http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-10624 . Choose ONE please.

Colors(Optional): Make it match.

Text(Optional): No.

Size of sig: The size of my gifteh.

Pm you the sig or post here?: Post here.

Do you want me to pm or post the code?: Neither.

Anything else you want to add: No

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Colors(Optional): Black and White

Text(Optional): N/A

Size of sig: 350 by 150

Pm you the sig or post here?:Post it here

Do you want me to pm or post the code?: nah

Anything else you want to add: I give you this render because It has so much potential and have fun with it


Tip: Pentool is your friend

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To ~TwIsTeD~: Not a render!

To "I Am": Render is kinda of messed up, but i will fix it and make a sig!!

To Kpo: I will make the sig for sonic and link, but not the mario one.

To Ayasato-chan: First one i cannot see and second one isn't a render

To FreeShooter: Will make a sig of all three, but two and three are kinda of the same, but will still make them different!

To Chidori: I will make it as soon as possible!!!!

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