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UPROAR! Cards, Boosters, and Tins up!

Zack Blaze

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Welcome to the New Generation of TCGs! This is UPROAR!



The game is quite simple


Each creature card has a special ability or abilities.


Each card has a Stamina / Power / Shield attribute located at the bottom right of the card.


Each player starts out with 50 Life.


Each location card is different. Sometimes if favors special creatures. Each location card has a Stamina Cost. This is the amount of stamina used to Battle. Only the creature that declares battle pays the Stamina Cost


Ex. You have a creature on the playing field with 3 / 4 / 3


His stamina is the first number so its three. The field card played requires 1 Stamina. Your creature declares battle with another creature. His points would now be at 2 / 4 / 3.





When you declare battle, you compare the Power to the Shield. The creature who declared battle would be using his Power while the battle target would be using his Shield.


So if your Power was 5 and their Shield was 3, they battle target would be destroyed and your opponent would lse 2 life. 5 - 3 = 2.


But if your Power was 4 and his sheild was 5, you would lose 1 life. 5 - 4 = 1


But if the Power and Shield are the same no damage is delt and no one is destroyed.


More coming later.



[spoiler=The Booster]


[spoiler=Booster #1 - Destruction of Oblivion]




[spoiler=The Cards]

[spoiler=Destruction of Oblivion 001 - Beastios - Landmaster]



[spoiler=Destruction of Oblivian 002 - Warrior of Succeeded Will]





[spoiler=Destruction of Oblivion 001]






I will be accepting card ideas. Just Supply the render and the name of the card.

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