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Gonna try and run this at a big event at my locals for a Sarc.



2x Caius

2x Malicious

2x Plasma

1x DAD


2x Diamond Dude

2x Rose Warrior

2x Summon Priest

2x Krebons

2x PoC

1x Sangan

1x Breaker

1x Stratos

1x Dark Grepher

1x Plaguespreader


Spells: 10

5x Heavy, MST, Trunade, Reborn, Brain

2x Allure

2x D Draw

1x Teleport


Traps: 8

3x Threatening Roar

3x Reckless Greed

2x Escape from the Dark Dimension


R/F and all input appreciated. Probably needs a better Monster/Spell balance.

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