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At World's End Role Play: Victory or Oblivion? |Ended!| |Lock, now!|

Chaotic Angel

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Ron landed on his head, tearing off the contract Chaos gave him. He said: "Hmm.. No need for this.. I'm back now!" and then Raiden said: You were evil back then.. That Ocelot still needs defeating!" Ron replied: "Okay, let's get to it!" and then takes his path to defeat Ocelot, Snake and the others followed.

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OoC: I just posted there.. -_-"


IC: As Ron makes his way to Ocelot, he was blocked by Kirby, accompanied by Ultimecia. Ultimecia said: "If this thing defeats you.. Then I will make you work for Chaos!" Ron said: "Crap.. Kirby now works for Chaos.. This isn't good.." and starts defeating Kirby.


Kirby's Status: Evil: 100% Good: 0%

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Ron said: "Ignore him, let's just go." and then finds that Jecht was in front of him, he said: "Where's the contract Chaos gave you? You ripped it?" Ron said: "It got torn off, I don't see why you're here!" and then sends Jecht flying, he carries on his path.

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OoC:Sorry at school


(Britney and Ciara run to Ron)

"Well what did you do this time Ron try to kill your friends"

"Britney that's enough stop it am your child and you will show me some respect"

(Ciara playfully punches her mom on the arm)

"I see you have gotten stronger"

"Thanks i lift trees for 1 hour everyday"

(Britney and Ciara follow the others)

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Ron didn't say anything, instead, Liquid Ocelot appears and said: "Well, well! Hello there! Ready to defeat me, Snake!?" Snake said: "Anytime now, Ocelot! Same goes to Raiden!" and then Ron said: "Ocelot.. Now's the time you should be dead!" and then starts fighting.


-Liquid Ocelot's HP: 897000000000-

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Ron sends out Roxas and Ike to help out, but Ocelot blocked all heroes from helping out and sent Ron to fight him alone. A Chaos Barrier was created so no other heroes are allowed through. Ron said: "Great, it's me and you.. Let's see who wins!" Then the election desk with all the voting slips have appeared in front of the heroes saying: "Who shall win? Liquid Ocelot or Ron?" and then Snake and Raiden picked Ron. Ron used Prodigal Rage at Ocelot, but didn't do much damage.


-Liquid Ocelot's HP: 897000999768-





Who shall win?


Ron: 2


Liquid Ocelot: 0


**End of Election**

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The election table said to Hanzo: "To get through the Chaos Barrier, you must vote for who wins!" and bounced Hanzo back, Ron uses Dark Lightning, but still didn't do much damage. Ocelot said: "You're weak!" Ron said: "Just watch! You'll lose!" and used Loneful Tragedy on Ocelot, which halves his HP and Ron takes some of Ocelot's HP.


-Liquid Ocelot's HP: 448500499884-

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"Well we will vote i guess"

(Britney walks ups to the table with Ciara and they vote for Ron)

"Ok now that that is done...."

(Britney and Ciara pick up the table and flip it over)

"Will you two fight like men you idiots this ain't no election Ron aint no Obama and Ocelot ain't no Mccain use your fists you idiots"

(Britney and Ciara both grab a chair and they start to beat Ocelot with them)

"Your next Ron"

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"What no how dare you do that to Ron Ciara come on lets show him we are vampires and we are strong"

(Britney and Ciara run up to Ocelot and they both snap his legs then they run to Ron and checks his heart)

"Well this may work but Ciara i really love you"

(Britney bits Ron turning him into a vampire but at the same time she sends her life force into him bringing him back to life but killing her)

"Well bye everyone i will miss you alot"

(Britney falls to the ground and she passes away)

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