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new format - new primal lightsworn

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24| Monsters


2| Judgment Dragon

3| Celestia, Lightsworn Angel


2| Moja ( bluff for ryko, and it an help for solar recharge food )

2| Sea Koala

2| Rescue Cat

3| Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

3| Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

2| Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

2| Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior

2| Summon Monk

1| Plaugespreader Zombie


12| Spells


3| Charge of the Light Brigade

3| Solar Recharge

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

3| Book of Moon

1| Pot Of Avarice


6| Traps


3| Limit Reverse

3| Threatening Roar


15| Extra Deck



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