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[disc] Level Retuner

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I would rather use Star Blast.

That card is good for monsters in your hand' date=' so that has it's advantages but it does have the LP cost -_-. I perfer this for synchro summons though.



LP costs arent a huge deal when you know what you are doing.. ;) i understand that concern, but i dont worry about my LP that much.. well, until it hits 0. -.- i would rather use this with Synchro Summons, my preference though.

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I would rather use Star Blast.

That card is good for monsters in your hand' date=' so that has it's advantages but it does have the LP cost -_-. I perfer this for synchro summons though.


The cost to make Star Blast the same as this is 1000 which isn't much. While it does that it makes it so you can summon any level 6 monster without the tribute. Not only that but Star Blast can drop more then 2 levels if need be. Also Star Blast is faster.


Star Blast>>>>>>>>>>>>This

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Star Blast basically overrides this so it really isn't worth running. Perhaps it would be somewhat useful if you could target ANY face-up monster. That way you could maybe lolstall a Synchro for 1 turn. I plan on selling it with something else, but I won't get into that.

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but i dont worry about my LP that much.. well' date=' until it hits 0.


yeah that could be a problem :).

I see what you guys are saying. although this card's effect is permanent compared to star blast's 1 turn, which would make Star Blast better for tuning, but Level Retuner is a better card for countering a card like Gravity Bind.

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But Star/Space Blast is better since it can downgrade your Ancient Gear Golem(I couldn't think of anything better at the moment) to be a 4 star' date=' while Returner only makes it a 6.



stop comparing this card to star blast, this card is for monsters on the field.


star blast's best used on monsters in the hand, where this can not target.

being a permanent downgrade is good, but level changing isn't that useful once it's on the field, and synchro monsters don't need this 90% of the time, they want them to go up more often than down.

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It it at least could be "on the fiield" rather than "you control", it could have more uses, like ruining a Synchro your opponent might plan on Summoning. Other than that, this card is Super Rare only because Yusei used it in the anime.

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Space Blast

Why are you guys calling it space blast!? it is and has been STAR blast. even the JP version is called star blast....

because Yusei used it in the anime.

Crow used it.....


oh I think you are right, was it when crow and yusei played that tag duel right? that must be why I said that earlier ^-^"

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