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Most Diffucult Video Game Creature/Boss to Defeat


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The hard version of the already hard Final Fantasy IV is pretty hard. I've heard that the last boss, Zeromus, is the hardest boss in any RPG, but I didn't have too much trouble with him. I only got a game over twice against him, and that was kind of normal for just about every boss battle in that game.

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hard to say since I have played so few games with "bosses" in them (or if they were bosses I didn't even know it because they were relatively easy to kill"


I'll say the Alien Warship in Crysis, although that might simply be because the game lags so much when fighting it that your reactions are way too slow from it

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definitely that STUPID emerald weapon of FFVII for me..lol

and second would have to be omega i guess..but if you know how to prep for the battle its not that bad really...


5 Counter attacks on every character with under water M. he isnt that hard at all because he cant counter attack counter attacks.



FF7 CC - the final extra levels are so hard u might as well rip ur penis off and beat ur self with it. Every monster does at least 9999 >.<

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Every Secret Boss in RPG games.


Dullahan of GS2 fame FTW. Star Magician's balls were just annoying, Sentinel's Silencing was a bastard, Valukar's summon stealing was annoying sometimes, but it gave you free djinni, so I'm not complaining, but Dullahan... Yeesh. Good thing Isis is that OP.

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