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The Essence Of The Cards ~Now Sells PSD's~


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[align=center]Welcome To The Essence Of Cards









A shop that serves your needs to make cards look better. I will, and promise to, make your cards look and sound better at all cost. I will make them perfection, and no less! Please feel free to browse through our gallery and select something so we can customize it to your perfect needs.


[spoiler=We Offer...]


PSD's = 10 points per PSD

NOTE: All PSD's Purchased are LRO (learning Rights Only) state.

Available PSD's: [x][x][x][x][x]


Custom Spell and Trap Icons = 25 points an Icon (If you order a set, its 35 for both)

Ex: [x][x]


Effect Help = 10 Points a Card

Ex: I'll help you create an effect


Balancing a Card = 10 Points a Card

Ex: I'll help you balance a card.


Advanced and Basic Holofication = 10 Points a Card



Gold Stickering and Card Bulleting and Icon Placement = 5 Points a Card for all 3



Being Your Friend = Free

Ex: XD





Now then, its time for the Codes. Each Code is for a separate Request.


Note: I will not except any offers not coded properly[/align]




For PSD's

Which One
Note: I'm only selling the available PSD's


For Icons


Spell or Trap Card
Ruling for the icon
How should it look
and Card for placement
Note: First Placement of Icon is free, after that, its 5 Points per Placement!


For Effects


Card Image (its good to have an image relating effect)*optional*
Base Effect
What Should It Revolve Around


For Balance


Card Lore
Base Effect
Note: There might be some editing in the Balance for cards, because i might need to remove or add effects.


For Holofication


Simple or Advance
Card You want Hollowed
If you Want Advance, Were do you want it hollowed?


For Gold Stickering and Card Bulleting and Icon Placement


Which One?
If you want Icon Placement, Image of Icon
Note: If you want all 3, its 15 points total!




Now then, I will only accept 3 offers at a time, so Please Follow The Waiting List. Max people in waiting list is 5!


Offers Accepted






Waiting List








[spoiler=Special Offers Board]


Purchase Numbers: A purchase number is given after every purchase to keep track of the purchase. If you show me your Purchase Number, I will give you 10 points off on any purchase equal to or over 15 points. Each Purchase Number is different, and every Purchase Number can be used only once. Multiple Purchase Numbers may be used on the same purchase.


Coupons: If you purchase a sale of over certain points, you will receive a coupon in which you will receive certain points off on your next purchase. Only 1 Coupon may be used per purchase, and the coupon may only be used once (Don't worry, I have a Coupon System). The Coupon Table Is Below


Coupon Table:

How Much You Spend = How much you get off

100 = 50

150 = 75

200 = 100

300 = 200

400 = 350





Please PM me all Questions, for i do not like them to be posted on this thread.


Note that all forum rules apply here, and if you break even the smallest 1, you will be warned and reported.


Second Time, you will be negged and reported.


Third time, you will be negged, reported and Banned from my shop!


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Well' date=' only the rich can afford it. Plus, i never said i was going to be cheap. And i do account the above post as spam, Dont do it again!



I apologize, but I say this to better your shop...


Examples are also needed...


Whos gonna pay tons of money for something they cannot see?

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