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Gundam Meisters Battle for Peace with New Gundams- Please Join, this may be locked


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OOC:i decided to post another character application so that this Rp can get started soon,i hope that this is okay)

User Name:Archangel of destiny

Gundam Pilot's name:Brian Roddigane

Pilot's age:17


Appearance: http://fc07.deviantart.com/fs30/i/2009/058/9/6/I_am_Acela_by_digitalTouch.jpg


Which Gundam: Gundam Mecros

Pilot Bio(Why you are a Gundam Meister):When he heard that Alex joined the AEU he wanted to show his brother that he is as brave as him,he is the exact opposite of his brother,he is a competitive youngster that always has to have it his own way if not then he starts to argue until he does get his way,the only one that can calm him down is Alex,but he hasn't seen him in 3 years since their parents died,he became a Gundam Meister to end the war because he had enough of it and he thinks that it is a waste of time.

Pilot personality: (Not needed if included if included in Bio)

Will you stay in space or Earth for most of the time:Earth(he wants to be closer to his brother,so that he can show him that he is braver than he thinks he is.)

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I would accept, it just that the Mecros would be part of Celestial Being not anyone else. Change that and then its accepted.


Codypops, was you saying that you dont want to take part.


What i might do, if i cant get enough people to join this, i will make another Gundam RP but more simple using all Gundams from all proper series going to a proper battle and then write up this as A fan-fic

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