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Gundam Meisters Battle for Peace with New Gundams- Please Join, this may be locked


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Well this is my first RP so If I do anything wrong or miss something, just say


Please try to read all of it below


[align=center][spoiler= Rules]

1) No Spamming

2) No Godmodding

3) Try to stay active on the RP

4) No more than 3 characters per person

5)In order to apply, you must post application (See below). Once RP begins and has the word “Started” as the subject and you want to apply, you must PM your app to me. Anyone who posts application after starting gets negged. If i am offline, then other members that are in the RP can also neg them if they are allowed to do it.

6) Try to put OoC: and IC: in the correct areas


If anyone has any other rules that i missed or would like to be on the list, then PM me.


If rule number 1, 2, 4 or 5 are not followed will be negged either by me or another member within the RP.




The RP takes place after series 1 of Gundam 00 and is like a series 2 of my own



5 years have passed since celestial being’s battle against the world. With people views thinking that with the AEU, union and the human reform league being united were wrong. 1 year ago before the present, someone known as Ali Al-Saachez did not like the fact that the world was united and wanted a battle so having joined the reform league momentarily, went on a mission on his own will and assassinated the leader of the AEU and the AEU now being hostile towards the reform league begins small battle. The Union tries to intervene to stop the battle. But Ali Al-Saachez uses his tricks and with a friend of his known as “Abdul Rehman” kills leader of the reform league. The reform league having to ask questions to Ali Al-Saachez who says that he saw someone of the Union killing the leader of the Reform league. The Reform League then goes hostile towards the union as well as the AEU. With the new technology of the GN drives that the Union, AEU and reform league have at their disposal, wars and deaths have increased to a state around the world that it is in more chaos than ever before between these 3.


There are another group of people known as the Mercenaries who have began attacks. Rumoured that Ali Al-Saachez is the leader and they fight not only wars but attack citizens of random cities for their own pleasure and fun. Also, “Abdul Rehman”, is also with them creating chaos. With allies and friends of Ali Al-Saachez working as spies with the other organisations to make sure that the wars last for his own reasons. The mercenaries may be outnumbered but


The Gundam thrones that lost their own base will now fight for either the reform league, Union or AEU just to ensure their survival.


But now, Celestial Being for the last 5 have been making new Gundams to fight back and destroy those that will oppose peace and those that insist to create wars by eradicating them through means of armed interventions for the people of the world who desire peace the meisters will show no mercy to completing their missions or to eradicating wars.




I do know that the two of the Gundam thrones died but it doesn’t really matter if I do it. [/align]


Units/Gundams to choose from are below. If there is a name that is bolded next to the name of the Gundam or suit then you can’t be that. BUT, if all spots are full, and just say that member 1 is not active on the RP and someone else want to be in the RP as member 2, then member 1 loses his space and member2 gets his space. (More may be added as the RP goes on though):

[spoiler=Gundams to choose from]

Celestial Being

1) Artemis Gundam - Hanzo Hattori - Kotaro

2) Exile Gundam - Trent Maakien - codypops

3) Aegon Gundam -

4) Dynasty Gundam - Terry Stratos - thisguy777

5) Mecros Gundam -

6) Virtue/Seravee and Seraphim -

7) Tactical forecaster 1- Ginchiyo - Kotaro

8 ) Tactical forecaster 2-

Other (Either AEU, Union or Human Reform League. You pick)

9 ) Gundam Throne Eins (Would prefer that the 3 thrones were on the same team) -

10) Gundam Throne Zwei -

11) Gundam Throne Drei -

12) Wing Gundam - Alexander Roddigane - Archangel of Destiny - AEU


12) Ali Al-Saachez (May choose any Mobile suit or make up a suit to be, this includes making your own Gundam, own Armaments etc) -

13) Abdul Rehman (May choose any Mobile Suit or make up a suit to be, this includes making your own Gundam, own armaments) -

14)Justice Enforcer - Rekut - rookie

15)Gundam Deathsythe Hell - Kazuke Endo - thisguy777



Can be normal units, but won’t be strong


Also, if you have any other ideas for Gundams, Send me a PM with information/Armaments etc about it



[spoiler=Important news]

1) At the bottom you will see that I have a tactical forecaster that selects missions. I may also need 1 other person to be the one who selects missions as well as me, just say that I am offline and people are waiting for me to be online and I can’t come online, then the person can do it, that person can also be Gundam as well (Linked with point 2)

2) Between the 22nd of May and the 29th of May, I will not be on her



Description of each of the first 5 Gundams will be underneath

[align=center][spoiler= Gundam Artemis]

Gundam Name: Gundam Artemis

Unit type: Transformable mobile suit to submarine

Equipment and design features: GN Drive, Trans am system, GN field Barrier

Armaments: beam scythe X2, GN missiles x35, GN Homing missiles x8, GN Anti aircraft cannon x2 on back, GN shield x2

Info: The Gundam Artemis transforms into a submarine. It can only transform into the submarine while in the sea (can in space but won’t be as good). While in the sea, it can shoot up to 15 of its normal GN missiles at a time and has a GN anti aircraft cannon to fire at aircrafts that fly over the sea while the Gundam is underneath it. While in Mobile suit mode, the Artemis can use its GN Beam scythes which are stored to the left and to the right of the GN drive on its back. While in mobile suit mode, it can shoot up to 5 of its GN missile. It also has 4 GN homing missiles from both arms stored in both arms of the suit. It also can use its Anti aircraft turret in mobile suit mode but won’t have as good quality. The suit can also use it GN field barrier but only lasts for a while. Because the suit is big, it also has a second form within the suit with other weapons but won’t be seen for a while.



[spoiler=Gundam Exile]

Gundam Name: Gundam Exile

Unit type: Transformable mobile suit to Aircraft

Equipment and design features: GN Drive, Trans-Am system

Armaments: GN sword/rifle x 2, GN long blade x 1, GN short blade x 1, GN beam saber x 2, GN beam dagger x 2, GN shield x 1, GN heart small Bazooka

Info: The Exile Gundam is a remade Gundam of the Exia. Differences are that it can transform into an aircraft and in mobile suit mode, it has two GN swords/rifles on each arm. While in mobile suit mode, the exile’s strength isn’t really much stronger than Exia but has increased in speed. It does not have wings in mobile suit mode as the wings of the aircraft become its long GN swords. The Exile has also got a central small bazooka in the centre of the Gundam known as the GN heart Bazooka that has half the firepower of The Virtue’s GN Bazooka.



[spoiler=Gundam Aegon]

Gundam Name: Gundam Aegon

Unit type:Close and long range combat

Equipment and design features: GN drive, Trans-am system, sensors, range 10900 meters;

Armaments: GN beam saber x2, GN Scroll funnels x30, GN Sword x1, GN Shield x1

Info: The Gundam Aegon is Mobile suit that uses funnels known as scroll funnels. The weapons are closely linked with the Qubeley and has control over all scroll funnels. Some of the funnels are different, 10 of the funnels can radiate shields that can defend either itself or allied units. 10 other funnels have 3 missiles in them that launch simultaneously. It also has 2 GN beam sabers and a normal GN sword for extra combat




[spoiler=Gundam Dynasty]

Gundam Name: Gundam Dynasty

Unit Type: Long range combat

Equipment and design Features: GN drive, Trans-am system

Armaments: GN Gatling machine Gun x1 (mounted on left shoulder and be placed on the side of the arm), GN missile launcher x1 with missiles x8(Can be mounted on Right shoulder and can be placed on the side of the right arm), GN beam saber x1, GN Buster cannon, GN beam pistol x 1, GN Sniper rifle, GN shield x1

Info: The Gundam Dynasty is a remade Gundam of the Dynames. It has been upgraded with GN Gatling Gun and a GN missile launcher that both mounts on shoulder of suit. Both can e mounted on the side of any of the two arms either when out of ammo or with ammo. It does also have a GN buster cannon and the same weapons that the Dynames had. The Gatling machine gun, GN missile launcher, GN Buster cannon and the GN Sniper rifle can all be optional to take to battle but out of these 4 weapons, the Gundam can only bring 2 of these as it will slow the Gundam down. Having a big shield similar to the Dynames shields mounted the side of the Gundam but can rotate around the whole protecting the Gundam from attacks of all directions but can only protect one direction at a time.




[spoiler=Gundam Mecros]

Gundam Name: Gundam Mecros

Unit type: Versatile

Equipment and design features: GN Drive, Trans-am system

Armaments: GN beam saber x2, GN submachine Gun x2, GN twin Submachine Gun(Combine both GN submachine guns together), GN Triple headed beam Spear x2, GN beam Boomerang x2, GN Beam rifle. GN shield x1.

Info: The Gundam Mecros design is similar to the Kyrios but does not transform into an aircraft. It has its GN shield which turns into pincer with the extra GN submachine Gun. With two GN Submachine guns, they can combine together to create a GN super submachine Gun or GN twin submachine Gun. It has also got beam spears (I could edit and post a picture similar to this) with 2 beam Boomerangs and a small Beam rifle that shoots one blast every few seconds. These small weapons fit into little compartment around the waist of the Gundam.



I am thinking of doing a Fan-Fic of this series, may change a few things, if people think it would be good, send me a PM.




If you want to be for Celestial Being or AEU, Union or reform league, fill out the first form

[align=center][spoiler=Application to fill out:]

User Name:

Gundam Pilot's name: (Do not need to fill out if Gundam thrones)

Pilot's age: (between 14-25)


Appearance: (Please put in spoiler)(Do not need to fill out if you are from the 1st series of Gundam 00)

Side: (AEU, Union, Human reform league, only fill out if you are Gundam Throne)

Which Gundam: (Do not need to fill out if Gundam thrones)

Pilot Bio(Why you are a Gundam Meister):

Pilot personality: (Not needed if included if included in Bio)

Will you stay in space or Earth for most of the time:




If you want to be for the Mercenaries (Either Ali Al-Saachez or Abdul Rehman or make up your own mercenary) then fill this form

[align=center][spoiler= Application for Mercenaries]

User Name:

Pilot name:

Gender: (Only if you make your own)

Appearance: (Only if you make your own)

What suit:

Bio and personality: (Only if you make your own)

What Armaments has your suit got:



If you want to be Forecaster that gives missions and such, you fill this form, only accepting 1, must be 4 stars and above.

[align=center][spoiler= Tactical Forecaster]

User Name:

Forecaster Name:









My apps:


User name: Kotaro

Pilots Age: 18

Pilots Name: Hanzo Hattori

Gender: Male




Side: N/A

Which Gundam: Gundam Artemis

Pilot Bio: His whole family were killed when the mercenaries bombed ha whole small city. Having not been there working abroad for his first time, he will do whatever it takes to get revenge which is why he signed up as a Gundam Meister.

Pilot Personality:Used to be Kind and caring, but having suffered so much, he is now the opposite


App 2

User name: Kotaro

Age: 22

Name: Ginchiyo

Gender: Female




Bio: Her Mum died when she was young and was forced to live with her aggressive father. When she was 14, she left home anonymously and was never seen until now.

Personality: Is Kind and caring but if a mission is not completed, prepare for some tough words.[/align]


Any questions, please PM me, especially after it has begun


The RP will start when at least the first 5 Gundams are full


Now im sure that i put everything

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if you like I be the first to join

User Name: rookie

Pilot name: Rekut

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://s.bebo.com/app-image/7927789569/5411656627/PROFILE/i.quizzaz.com/img/q/u/08/06/30/anime_guy.jpg

What suit: Justice Enforcer

Bio and personality: Rekut is a straight forward guy. He cool, calm, and collective while he is on mission. Being the youngest of his 2 brother, he plan to set out and prove to them that he can make in this world. Rekut fight using two dual saber that can form into one double saber. He strike relentlessly when his opponent guard is down and always wait for the right moment to strike. He prefer the style of close combat so his armor in highly strong against laser and gun shots. He gundam has a bio-sensor system which allowed a brief surge of unusual power and make his Gundam nearly invincible against any attacks on occasions. His guns is the Hyper-Mega-Launcher and 360mm hyper bazooka that can form together to make a devasting sniper missile launcher. Two 3-barrel 35 mm Machinegun (attach to chest shoulder) are attached making it likely to destroy incoming missiles.

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k im in sounds fun


User Name:codypops

Gundam Pilot's name:Trent Maakien

Pilot's age: 15


Appearance: I will fix this later


Which Gundam: Exile gundam

Pilot Bio(Why you are a Gundam Meister):Will fix

Pilot personality: will fix

Will you stay in space or Earth for most of the time: Space

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Alright I've decided I will join and make my app if I can pilot a modded Gundam Deathsythe Hell. (Modded meaning I will add to it a weapon because it has no range weapon except the wrist rocket which is a one time thing usually.) I could also be someone more important to the story so we can start, just let me know which character doesnt take mass amounts of work to be, as I would like to be my character more often.

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You can join as Gundam deathsythe hell for the mercenaries.


For someone for your second character can either be onr of the Gundam Thrones (For AEU, Union, Human reform league)


or could be 1 of the Gundams for Celestial Being as Gundam Aegon, Gundam Dynasty, Gundam Mecross or Tieria's Virtue(Seravee/Seraphim)

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User Name: ThisGuy777

Pilot name: Kazuke Endo


Appearance: I'll fix in a minute

What suit: Gundam Deathscythe Hell

Bio and personality: Generally a calm guy with a little attitude, Sarcastic at times. Has a split personality. When his heart gets pumping too fast (Usually in an intense battle) his other personality takes over and he becomes psychotic and thirsts for destruction. He wasnt given a gundam, in fact, he found his gundam. It was abandoned out in the desert somewhere and had a cloaking transmitter on it. The transmitter ran out just as he passed by and he stole the gundam. He doesnt know whos it was but its his now. He later became a mercenary for hire as he became a pro pilot.

What Armaments has your suit got: 1 Thermal Scythe, 1 Wrist Rocket (IDK what its called), 2 vulcan cannons (the guns on its head), 1 Obliterator (Big cannon-like gun that fires 1 shot per reload, causes a huge explosion)

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I mean like, if you made your own suit because for appearence of pilot, the mercenaries leader is Ali-al saachez, we know what what he looks like so you wouldn need a picture of him, its only for those who make there own suit like your yours (sort of). That inlcudes for bio and personality as we know what his personality is like

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User Name:

Gundam Pilot's name: Terry "Dead Eye" Stratos

Pilot's age: 17


Appearance: Brown hair, covers one eye. Dark brown eyes.

Side: (AEU, Union, Human reform league, only fill out if you are Gundam Throne)

Which Gundam: Dynasty

Pilot Bio(Why you are a Gundam Meister): Relative of Lockon Stratos, a former gundam pilot. He was trained by Lockon in secret and became an excellent shot. He wants to protect world peace by obliterating war all together. He has a strong sense of Justice and is very couragous. Generally nice, but not to enemies.

Pilot personality: (Not needed if included if included in Bio)

Will you stay in space or Earth for most of the time: Earth

I will elaborate on both pilot's appearance in a minute when I have more time to look up some pics....

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