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Do you let words discourage you?

Zack Blaze

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Words are nothing actions are what count so no unless that person who insulted me i respected and was close to and they were serous that would hurt me lol

and anyways i am the one calling people names lol i am just jokin with people most of the time though lol

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I don't really care when people make their feeble attempts to emotionally damage me. I don't let it get to me, I just make responses that infuriate them. Then they either

A) Make a weapon threat, at which point they get police searched and interrogated




B) They assault me right there and I use Larxene's approach.


Besides, the sonic vibrations sent out don't effect me at all.


Unless they're sho minamimoto. Any sound can shake the air, but his shakes the heart!

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Usually I'll just kick them and walk away.

But still discouraged? O.o


Nope. Only two people have ever really got to me.


Usually I'll just kick them and walk away.


Three punches to the face work better. When you see blood you know it worked.


Depends on where you kick them. ;D


Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. =/


I think I'd rather be called a name than to have someone throw hard objects at me. =S




Physical Scars heal.

Emotional Scars never die...


What a load of crock that quote is.


Still the opposite for me.


There's a cut on my arm that I got when I was 5 that's still there.



Because when you get hit. The bruise will go away.

When someone calls you a name enough to make you cry/affect you it won't disappear.


Sure it does. Especially if the only two people who ever affected me are both dead. xD

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