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End Of The Abyss

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Welcome to YCM Ultimate Gamer. 12 entrants will be put to the gaming test to find out the best PlayStation3 Gamer on YCM. Games played will include...


Burnout Paradise


Resistance 2


WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009


Street Fighter IV


Little Big Planet


Guitar Hero


..and possibly more. Here is how the game works.


Every round, the gamers must complete 2 challenges--a single player challenge, and an online challenge. For each challenge, the players will earn a score that will range from 1-20. 20 being the best, 1 being the worst. We'll total the scores and we'll have an overall loser and an overall winner. The loser and a gamer of the winners choice will then go head to head and fight for their survival in the game.


Now. If you don't have the game we're doing, there are two possibilities.


1. Find a friend who has it and borrow the game


2. You are "excused" from the round.


If you're excused from the round, we'll carry you're score from the last round into the new one. But, here is the bad part...If you come out with the worst score, you're eliminated--you will not fight for elimination.


The winner will get...


-A signature made by a great GFX Artist

-2,000 Points

-The title of "YCM PlayStation 3" Ultimate Gamer


[spoiler=Application--Entrance Fee is 100 Points]



Specialty: (Genre of game you are best at)

PS3 Game Library:




Good luck to everyone.

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