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Monarchs for the Lawlz

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There both good cards' date=' but what i found out recently, semi limited cards, are hardly worth the decking.



umm your running 2 raizas that counts a semi-limited card lol


Indeed, i should have added "in most cases" to the end.


treeborn frog

I hate putting Treeborn with my oppression. I never get to use it.


Mind Crush is one of my favorite cards. Trust' date=' me, it's worth decking in 2.


Its a meh in my opinion. With rota at 1, I don't think it hits that often. And I don't wanna help LS.

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if u didn't use oppresion frog would be great but u do so don't marshmallon in side doesn't seem like a good idea i mean my guess is if u were to side it in you would replace your reaper with it plus i am sure theirs better options idk some other dark monster maybe snipe hunter though i am not found of him to be honest

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