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Enko's last cards... till June.


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Here we go, my last cards until I leave, will be right back in june though.


[spoiler=Set One - The Zephyr Finisher]


This one is a OP'd OTK strategy (it's supposed to be), your opponent may lose in two ways, have no cards to draw, or lose all of their LP.


Zephyr Beak (* * *) WIND

Winged-Beast/Effect - ATK 1800 DEF 1000

If this card attacks a face-down monster, destroy it immediately without damage calculation. If this card attacks your opponent directly, your opponent may discard 2 cards from their hand to negate the attack.


Zephyr Wing (* * *) WIND

Winged-Beast/Effect - ATK 1000 DEF 1800

During your Battle Phase, if your opponent discards any number of cards from his/her hand, your opponent must draw cards equal to the number of cards discarded from their hand.


Zephyr Feather (* * *) WIND

Winged-Beast/Effect - ATK 1500 DEF 1300

If your opponent draws cards outside of their Draw Phase, pay 500 Life Points to discard 1 card from your opponent's hand.


Zephyr Myth Bird (* * * * * *) WIND

Winged-Beast/Effect - ATK 2200 DEF 2200

[Zephyr Beak + Zephyr Feather + Zephyr Wing]

Inflict 300 damage to your opponent's Life Points each time your opponent discards a card. If this card is destroyed, your opponent draws 2 cards.




[spoiler=Set Two - Time Manipulation]


And these dudes work on the entire turn count, getting powers accordingly.



Time Slayer (* * *) LIGHT

Warrior/Effect --- ATK ? DEF 0

This card's ATK becomes the current turn count x100. If this card's ATK is over 3000, this card is switched to Defense Position and cannot change it's Battle Position.


Timeshifting Healer (* * *) LIGHT

Spellcaster/Effect --- ATK 0 DEF 0

FLIP: Increase your Life Points by the current turn count x100. When you gain more than 3000 Life Points when this card is on the field, discard your entire hand.


Great Grandfather Clock (* * * *) EARTH

Machine/Effect --- ATK 0 DEF 2000

FLIP: Roll a six-sided die. Increase the turn count by the result on the die.


Clockmaster Wanjue (* * * *) LIGHT

Spellcaster/Effect --- ATK 0 DEF 0

FLIP: You may activate 1 of these effects, based on the current turn count:

* 10+ Your opponent skips his/her next Standby Phase.

* 20+ Your opponent skips his/her next Battle Phase.

* 30+ Your opponent skips his/her next Draw Phase.

* 40+ It is now the end of your opponent's turn.


Time Revealer (* * * * *) LIGHT

Spellcaster/Effect --- ATK 0 DEF 0

If there are no face-up monsters on your side of the field during your opponent's turn, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand. When this card is Special Summoned, flip all face-down monsters you control face-up.


Concealed Clockwork Beast (* * * * *) EARTH

Machine/Effect --- ATK 2000 DEF 0

If the turn count is 20 or more, this card cannot be destroyed.


Clockwork Beast, Master of Time (* * * * * * *) LIGHT

Fiend/Effect --- ATK 2000 DEF 0

This card cannot attack your opponent directly. This card can attack as many time as the current turn count.




Fragments of Time

Continuous Spell Card

Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you may Special Summon "Fragment Tokens" (LIGHT/Fairy-Type/1 Stars/ATK 0/DEF 0) to your opponent's side of the field equal to the number of monsters in your Graveyard.


Back in the Youth

Normal Spell Card

Decrease the Level of all monsters on your and your opponent's hand by 1.


Death by Old Age

Normal Spell Card

Flip all face-up Flip-Effect monsters you control face-down. Decrease your Life Points by 100 for each card flipped face-down by this effect.




[spoiler= Set Three - Pest Mess]


Here is a nice lockdown, would be cool for insect decks.




Annoying Roach (* *) EARTH

Insect/Effect --- ATK 500 DEF 300

This card can only be destroyed by Insect-Type monsters. During your Standby Phase, you may take 1 “Annoying Roach” from your Deck to your hand.


The Mad Exterminator (* * * * *) EARTH

Warrior/Effect --- ATK 1800 DEF 1200

Once per turn, you may Tribute 1 Insect-Type Monster to Special Summon “Bug Tokens” (Insect-Type/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0 DEF 0) to your side of the field equal to the Level of the Tributed monster. If this card is destroyed, remove it from play to inflict 500 damage to your opponent’s Life Points for each Insect-Type monster he/she controls.




Pest Breakout

Normal Spell

Pay 500 Life Points. The control of all Insect-Type monsters is switched.


Insect-Flooded City

Field Spell

If your opponent controls more than 3 Insect-Type monsters, he/she cannot activate more than 1 Spell or Trap card per turn. When there are more than 5 Insect-Type monsters on the field, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent’s Life Points.






More will come, until the end of this month. Then I'm off.

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Time-lost Zephyr Pest

******* EARTH


1 "Time" monster + 1 "Zephyr" monster + "Annoying Roach"

Effect: (A random effect i cant be bothered to think of) and This cards ATK and DEF points are the ATK and DEF of the three monsters you fused together added up.



just helping u like u helped me start off Enko.

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