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WWE Crossroads New ECW! "A Double Dose of Poison"


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Look back on ECW I'veexpanded Bourne and Burchill's Match, I probably wont do Mordecai's prayer becuse I can't think of anything, but if someone else could write one they would recive a nice +rep



also can we not spam here, besides everyone knows the least probable thing that could ever happen, Dolph Ziggler competeing more then maybe once a month..

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My best YCM friend!

I'm posting my character:

Name: Mond Black

Age (18+): 23

Height: 185 cm

Weight: 103 kg

Show: RAW

Theme: (Link)

Heel. Face, or Tweener: Face (will change depending on storylines though)

Finishers (3 or less): Mondification: (the move you showed me at YouTube, post it please)

3 Seconds of Pain: (Sweet Chin Music)

Golden Rush: (RKO)

Gmmick: Well, Mond is a cocky, confident face guy. He's mostly funny and will taunt his foes in most of his promos that he's superior in carrying out. With his attitude and unique fighting style (mostly techincal with a touch of high flying moves and some nasty occasional weapon or powerhouse moves), he fits nicely in the top-card events. However, I will suggest making a pre-set nice title history for him so he won't participate in title matches except rarely. And as soon as he turns heel (which he should), we will discuss his new gimmick.


I will add my theme later.

Nice job, keep the hard work and ask me if you require any assitance.

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Raw will be up within a day or so, promise, and it will under no circumstances be shortened..


[spoiler=Mond Black debut details]

On Raw' date=' new superstar Mond Black will debut against Matt Hardy, in what we expect to be an extremely competitive match-up, but Matt Hardy's Experience may prove too much for Mond to over come. We're all excited to see what Mond can bring to the table for Raw![/quote']


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[spoiler=Crossroads Raw!]Raw starts with torrents of fireworks streaming, onto the stage, and blasts of flame erupting from it.


The sell-out crowd boos, Vickie Guerrero is in the ring.


Vickie: Excuse me!


The crowd's booing only intensifies.


Vickie: Excuse me!


“You suck!” chants begin


Vickie: I said excuse me!! It is with great pleasure, that I welcome the new WWE champion Cody Rhodes!




As Rhodes enters to Burn in My Light – a theme previously used by Randy Orton, the crowd goes Wild.


Cole: That theme music is so appropriate for young Cody Rhodes right now! After all that Orton's done to him, the disrespect, the assault on his brother, Cody Rhodes has been through so much, but now he stands the youngest champion in history!


King: You can say that again, but why's Vickie calling him out here now?


Cody: Thanks Vickie it's great to be the champion, but, right now I have a big problem, my half-brother Goldust was kicked in the head by Randy Orton last night, and tonight, he's got a chance to do that for the second time to my father, I can't let that happen.


Vickie: Wow Cody hold on. Tonight, Randy will face your father as scheduled, but there's something else that's going to happen tonight. You, will take on your former partner Ted Dibiase!


The crowd cheers at the blockbuster match that they're sure to witness later that night.


Vickie: And Cody, your father's match tonight, is no Disqualification!


Cole: You gotta be kidding here Dusty's gonna get killed out there tonight!

King: I just hope Cody can atleast protect his father here.


Cody shakes his head in disbelief and the crowd boos as it becomes clear that tonight may well mark the destruction of the American Dream.


We return after a commercial break to an empty ring.


Cole: Ladies and gentlemen we have just been informed that dispite the information we recived last week, John Cena has been cleared to compete tonight, results show that while his ribs are damaged John Cena is indeed returning tonight.


Zack Blaze Theme


An almost silent crowd greets the relative new-comer who debuted in the WWE as a competitor in ECW's number-one contenders Battle Royal, his opponent, a local wrestler by the name of Rory McGrestor stands in the ring and looks confident.


Cole: And here's Zack Blaze, last week on ECW Blaze really impressed me in the Battle Royal, but lets see how he goes in singles action here on Raw!


The bell rings, Rory batters his much larger opponent with rights and lefts he runs off the ropes and charges, he gets caught with a Spine Buster, cover 1...2...NO!


Cole: This kid might be out already.


Blaze starts to knee his opponent in the head and hammer shots into his spine – he could end this any time he wanted to.


He grabs his opponent in position for a Two-Handed Chokeslam, but runs charging him into the corner.


Cole: Oh my! Zack Blaze is destroying this guy!

King: This match would be over now if Blaze wanted!


He grabs McGrestor by the legs and throws him up by the legs, causing him to hit stomach – or a little lower- turnbuckle first, the referee starts to admonish him, and Blaze elbows the ref in the face, and continues the assault, he unties the top two turnbuckle covers and throws his opponent by the feet again, he pulls the fallen local into the center of the ring, and hits a Flaming Spark – his finisher-


Cole: The brutality here by this Zack Blaze is almost too painful to watch! His opponent must be almost passed out from the pain if that Flaming Spark didn't knock him out cold!


The fans boos are loud enough to blow the roof off the arena.


But this isn't over yet, he pulls the opponent into position again.


King: Come on Zack Don't do this!


Kofi Kingston bursts into the ring as the fans go absolutely berserk, he hits a barrage of chops, and a kick taking Blaze down, he rolls from the ring, and stares at Kingston as he walks backwards from the arena..


Cole: Thank god for Kofi Kingston!


John Cena is shown in Vickie's office, and the fans cheer.


Cena: So, you won't give me my title match at Extreme Rules ha? Well, then, I'm gonna change your mind tonight – I'm gonna make an extreme impact!



The fans cheer wildly again, as Cena leaves Vickie in Bewilderment.



Vickie: John!, John wait! Tonight you'll have your chance, tonight you'll take on The Game, Triple H!


Cole: Wow what a match!



King Yet another Blockbuster main event here tonight!!


The fans cheer insanely!


Christian Exodia Theme


Exodia stands on the stage and awaits his tag team partner.


The Miz Theme


The fans boos are so thick that you can almost feel them as you breath the air in the arena.


The duo make their way down to the ring, cocky, complete with arrogant looks on their faces.


Cole: Attitude problems asside, this team should be incredible, and this match should be even better!


King: You've got that right! I just wonder how well these two can co-exist!




Mr. Kennedy enters the ring, looking confident, as he awaits his partner.



Archie Davis Theme



Archie appears on the stage as the crowd cheers, - this young star has established himself as a fan favorite in very short order!


Cole: Just watch this display coming up here, Davis is an Absolutely phenomenal Star here in the WWE!


The lights are extinguished, as Davis lights his fire-twirling poi from a lighter he had in his hand, he throws the lighter down before putting on a phenomenal display as the crowd erupts, if Davis is half as good in the ring as he is with the poi, then he'll win tonight's match for his team – no trouble!


Davis walks down to the ring and Mr. Kennedy calls for his microphone to decend.


Kennedy: Well that sure was an awesome show, but what you just saw is nothing compared to what you're about to see from AAAAAAAAAAAACHIEEE DAAAAAAVIIIIIISSS! And! MIIISSSTERRR KENNNEDY.....KENNNNNNNNNNNNNEDY!


The crowd goes totally ballistic as Kennedy takes his place on the Apron, and Davis stares down Christian Exodia in the ring.



Exodia and Davis circle one another before Exodia kicks his opponent in the knee causing it to buckle, before taking his opponent down and locking in a Single-Legged Boston Crab, and for nearly 20 seconds he keeps up the preasure, trying to end it early, but Davis manages to roll over, and go for a quick pin.


1..2..kick out!


Exodia gets back up, Davis goes for a Baseball slide, in an attempt to trip his opponent but Exodia jumps it, and forces him back into the corner, and tags The Miz. The duo start to double-team Davis, as the referee begins his 5-count.


King: Like it or not this is good tag team statagey by Miz and Exodia here!

Cole: That it is partner, and Kennedy is just itching to get in on this match!


At “4” Exodia backs off, and the Miz continues to assault the fallen “Human Flamethrower” with stomps and fist-drops, Davis starts to crawl to a tag, but Miz grabs his leg and drags him back to his side of the ring!


Miz tags Exodia who applies an Ankle lock, Miz delivers a Leg-drop, and Exodia takes over, he throws Davis across the ring into a neutral corner, but Davis jumps up onto the ropes for a split second, before jumping down behind a running Exodia and hitting a Reverse DDT like move.


King: Wow such athletisism by Davis!

Cole: Right you are King but he needs a tag badly!


Davis runs to his corner, and tags his partner.


Cole: and he gets it! Here comes Mr. Kennedy!


The crowd is ecstatic as Ken Kennedy, the charismatic Green Bay native bursts into the ring with rights and lefts on Exodia, before kicking him in the stomach and nailing a DDT, Exodia pulls himself up, against the corner, and Kennedy puts him into position for the Green Bay Plunge.



Exodia counters with a Roll-up pin, taking Kennedy down from the second rope.





Exodia tags in the Miz, who comes straight in with stomp after stomp to Kennedy, before he finally gets up, The Miz goes for a reality check.


He hits it! Pin!


Cole: Reality Check, it's over!


1...2...Kick Out!


King: Wow I thought you were right Cole! I'm amazed that Kennedy could even roll a shoulder up after that


Miz pulls Kennedy up again, Looking for a second Reality Check, Kennedy takes the Knee but counters the Neck Breaker portion of the move, before hitting a Mic Check.


Cole: Mic Check! Mic Check! Kennedy hits the Mic Check!

King: That's gotta be it!


he tags Davis who climbs to top rope and delivers possibly WWE's most impressive finisher The Eternal Flame!


Cole: and that Shooting Star Elbow Drop, The Eternal Flame clames it's second victim here in the WWE!


1...2...3!! It's over



We return from a commercial break to see Matt Hardy making his way to the ring, and his opponent one Mond Black standing in the ring.



Hardy: I'm Matt Hardy! What are you thinking Vickie! Booking me against some low life, first-time wrestling looser when I should be wrestling for the World Title!


Hardy opens his mouth, about to continue speaking when Mond pops him in the mouth with a right hand, and another, Mond off the ropes, with a lariat kick, Matt Hardy goes down.


Cole: Well Mond Black not wanting to waste any time here at all!

King: I think this Mond guy has Hardy supprised, it's already obvious this isn't gonna be the easy match Hardy was expecting!




Mond starts to pull Hardy to his feet, but Matt counters with a punch -that looks a little low- and the fans nearly cook Hardy with heat!


Cole : That was low! This match should be over right here!

King: The ref didn't see it Micheal..


Dirty or not, Hardy's tactics have him firmly in control he looks for a Twist of Fate, but Mond counters, Hardy comes right back with a Side Effect! Cover!


King: Side Effect, Hardy could win this quickly after all!




Hardy delivers a Standing Leg-drop to Mond, and another, Hardy climbs to the top rope, and taunts, looking for that Diving Leg-drop that's won him so many matches in the past, he goes for it, but Mond quickly rolls to his feet, hardy lands in front of him, and Mond applies a Sleeper Hold-With-Body Scissors.


Cole: What great timing and ring sence by Mond Black! This guy's gonna go far!

King: And that Sleeper is gonna make this match a lot harder for Matt Hardy!


Hardy has been in the hold over a minute, and the ref moves to check weather or not he is concious dropping Hardy's hand. 1....2....At the last second hardy manages to prevent his hand from falling – he's still in this.


Hardy starts to roll, he gets a foot on the ropes, and Mond breaks the hold at the count of “4”.


Cole: Mond seems to have all the tools to make it big here, but we just saw a good example of Matt Hardy's mat sence!


King But Mond showing a veterain move, by holding onto that Sleeper as long as possible, an extra four seconds in a move like that can make a big difference.


Hardy starts to pull himself up against the ropes, but Mond hits a vicious chop! And Another! Shades of Chris Benoit as Hardy staggers into the corner and Mond delivers an onslaught of chops! The fans yelling “Woo” Deafeningly!


Cole: Ouch, I don't even wanna know what chops like that feel like!

King: I wish I didn't know Cole!


Mond positions Hardy for a Superplex, hits it! Both men are down, Mond crawls to the cover!






Mond looks frustrated, he goes to the ropes, and runs at the still downed Matt Hardy, who rolls from the ring. Mond, without hesitation dives from the ring, knocking Hardy over, but carrying himself into the steel security wall.


Cole: Mond Black risking his body here, and this is only his first match, it's clear he's here to win! But did that pay off, he hit that barricade head first!?


With both men down the referee begins to count, at “7” Hardy throws Mond into the ring and enters it himself.



Mond and Hardy trade blows in the center of the ring, both are shaky on their feet, Hardy kicks Mond in the stomach, and runs off the ropes, looking for a Side Effect, but Mond knees him in the stomach and blocks the move as Hardy reaches him.



Mond grabs Hardy who's obviously in a lot of pain, and hits Mondification!


King: I can't believe my eyes did you see that!? That move was insane!

Cole: He calls that Mondification, and I think Matt Hardy's been Mondified enough for one life time!


1...2...3...count to one thousand if you want it's over.


Mond Black celebrates winning his first ever match – there is absolutely no doubt that one day he's gonna be a HUGE star here in the WWE.



Triple H and John Cena are shown on a Split-screen, walking into the arena, their match is next.



We return from yet another commercial break, to find an empty arena waiting hungrily for the first of the 3 would-be main events.




The fans come to life as The King of Kings enters the arena, complete with water and flashing lighting, as he climbs onto the ring, and spits water up over himself, he enters the ring, he's never looked better.



A mixed reaction -consisting mostly of cheers- for John Cena, but something seems a little different about Cena he's not as involved with the fans as usual, no salutes, no high-fives, just a blank almost Randy Orton-esque stare, he comes into the ring and goes straight to work hammering away on the game.


The two trade blows, with no clear winner emerging, before they lock up, and Hunter powers Cena back into the corner, the referee asks him to step away, and reluctantly he does, only to have Cena deliver a right hand, a definate cheap shot. Cena climbs to the top rope and delivers a Diving Shoulder Block, he goes for the cover.


Cole: something just seems different about Cena, his whole attitude is just compeletly different!

King: Clearly he's just focused on making that impact he promised earlier to Vickie Guerrero!


1...2..Kick Out.


Cena starts to argue with the referee, as almost all of the fans boo him – this isn't new for Cena, but now it's deserved due to his actions.


Cena turns, as Triple H gets to his feet, he Irish Whips The Game into the ropes, Triple H hits a Harley Race High Knee, taking Cena down. He calls for the Pedigree.


King: Triple H looking to end it right here!

Cole: And if he can hit the Pedigree it'll be over!


Cena gets to his feet, and finds one arm hooked, and the other, but counters with a Backdrop.


Cole: Close call for John Cena, can he get back in this thing?


Cena measures Triple H, Hunter gets to his feet, Protobomb! John calls for the 5-Knuckle Shuffle, and the fans boo loudly, he comes off the ropes and hits it, he sets Hunter up for the Attitude Adjustment, but Cerebral Assassin slips out of the attack and lands behind Cena, who turms, and hits a blatant Low Blow on Triple H, the referee calls for the bell.



Cena simply walks from the ring, yelling to the fans “Loyalty, you call this loyalty?” and “Where's the respect?” and other things of that nature, while they boo him relentlessly.


Cole: What have we seen here? John Cena has completely changed!


A Promo for Judgment Day plays


Cena is shown back stage talking to Orton.


Orton: So I can count on you right?


Cena: Don't get me wrong Randy I'm not helping you because I like you, or anything, I'm helping you because when you win, you're gonna give me the first shot at your title, right?


Orton: Deal, see ya out there.


Randy Orton walks away with a big smile on his face as the crowd boos.


Cole: What was that all about?


Ted Dibiase Theme


The son of The Million Dollar Man makes his way down to the ring, conspicuous by his absence is Randy Orton. Ted has a blank look on his face as he awaits his former partner,



The WWE Champion Cody Rhodes emerges on the stage, looking troubled as he high-fives fans on his way out to the ring. He wastes no time spearing Ted to the ground and pummeling him, releasing all his pent up stress and anger on his former Legacy partner, he gets up and starts to stomp away at any body part Ted leaves exposed enough to touch.


Cole: Like it or not, Orton taught Cody so much of what he knows! And Cody's showing us just that, the careless brutality!


The referee orders Cody to get back, as Ted pulls himself to his feet, and the two lock up in the center of the ring. Cody applies a side head-lock, he manages to keep the hold for a good 20 seconds before Ted pushes him off into the ropes and goes for a roll up pin.


King: This could be it right here!


1...2..kick out!


Another stare down results, a series of rights and lefts are thrown between the two stars, Dibiase comes out on top after Kicking Cody in the stomach, and going for the cover.


1..2..Kick out!


Dibiase starts to stomp away at Rhodes just as Cody had done to him earlier, but as Ted goes to to stomp the hand of Rhodes, he manages to take him down with a trip, and apply an Ankle Lock!


King: Ankle Lock! Orton sure didn't teach Cody that!


Ted struggles not to tap out, and finally, makes it to the ropes, Cody breaks after a “4” count, but starts to stomp away at the ankle, Ted rolls from the ring in pain.


Cody follows his former partner and slams his head into the apron,then attempts to whip him into the ring post, but Ted counters and succeeds in just the same attempt. He rolls Cody back into the ring, and climbs -slowly due to the pain in his ankle- to the top rope. He jumps down, looking simply to land, feet first on Cody who rolls out of the way. Ted's Knees buckle and he falls over, Cody re-applies the Ankle Lock he had in earlier. Ted crawls toward the ropes, but Cody pulls him into the Center of the ring, and grape-vines the hold.


Ted has no choice but to tap out!


Cole: Rhodes wins! Cody Rhodes Wins!


Cody doesn't release the hold until refs drag him off Ted.



We go live to see the American Dream Dusty Rhodes in the back, dressed to compete with Todd Grisham standing by to interview the legend.


Todd: Ladies and gentlemen my guest at this time The Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes, and Dusty you are about to face Randy Orton in a No Disqualification Match, do you have anything to say before the match?


Dusty: Randy Orton, when you kicked my son Goldust, Dustin Rhodes in the head last week you made the biggest mistake of your career, and tonight, Orton, you're gonna find out it was the last mistake of your Career!


Dusty walks off toward the ring.


We return from our final commercial break.



Dusty walks to the ring with a Battered Cody in toe, Ted Dibiase sits near the announce desk, having never left the arena.


The crowd gives a huge reception for Dusty and Cody Rhodes. As Dusty gets into the ring, and Cody looks under it, sliding a chair to his father, and grabbing one for himself.



Randy Orton makes his way to the ring, with a trash can and it's lid, a blank stare on his face and hateful WWE fans showering him with heat from either side.


The Bell rings and Dusty swings his chair at Orton, who ducks it and blasts Dusty right in the back with his Trashcan lid. He puts the can down and continues to beat Dusty with the Lid, as Ted Dibiase stands up from his chair at ringside, and folds it, before limping toward Cody, chair in hand, but Cody catches Ted off guard and throws him into the crowd. Before jumping the Barricade and chasing him from the arena!


Meanwhile Orton pulls Rhodes to his feet, and delivers a European Uppercut, Dusty is sent staggering back, and he falls onto the ground, Orton charges, perhaps looking to punt Dusty in the head, but Rhodes moves, and Orton falls throat first across the second rope. Dusty seizes the opportunity, and grabs his chair, smashing Orton across the back with it, he then steps from the ring, in front of Orton, and delivers a slap to the Legend Killer, before raising the chair above his head, and Blasting Orton in the back of the Viper's skull! Rhodes has no Interest in the pin, he starts pounding away at Orton with his bare hands and feet!


The crowd gives off some heat at some one off screen, Ted Dibiase had apparently lost Cody and made his way back into the arena, he pulled Dusty out of the ring, and began to assault him, ramming his head into the steel steps, and the ring post, before sliding him back in the ring, where Orton had started to stir.


The two of them began the assault on Dusty, stomping on the legend repeatedly Ted pulls Dusty to his feet, and Orton delivers an RKO!


Orton calls for Ted to place the trash can over Rhodes, and he does, Dusty is now blinded, not to mention in a more dangerous spot then even the last time Orton Kicked him in the head at the Great American Bash! Orton starts to run, at Dusty, but the crowd begins to cheer as Triple H makes his way down to the arena Sledge Hammer in hand, Ted runs -As fast as a man with a bad ankle can- at The Game, but takes a Hammer shot to the head, Hunter slides into the ring and blasts Orton in the face, he takes the can off Dusty's head, and starts to drag the legend into the cover, before the crowd once again indicates something off camera, John Cena, who charages to the ring and throws the game from it, the Positions him for an Attitude adjustment on the Floor! Hits it!


In the ring Orton is on his feet if only barely and Dusty is stiring.





1...2...3! Orton just destroyed The American Dream!



The show ends with Cody Rhodes making his way back out to the ring, and looking over his father as he gets placed on a streatcher and leaves the building.



There is no comentary on the last match right now, but thats becuse I wanted to get this up as soon as possible, I'll add commentary if you guys want it.

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Um can I still make a character if I have one in Star's Thread?If so heres mine, was hoping to make another wrestler:




Weight:180 Lbs

Face, Heel, Tween: Tween

Theme:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3k3yzSzZF8(Three Days Grace-Never Too Late)

Finisher: Abyssion Arrow(Running Spinning Kick to the Back of the head.)

Abyssion Shot(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ndr2Q4Hbryg&feature=PlayList&p=D184D24169F9C440&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=21)

Gimmick: Darkish, keeps to himself, quiet, serious.

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Um can I still make a character if I have one in Star's Thread?If so heres mine' date=' was hoping to make another wrestler:




Weight:180 Lbs

Face, Heel, Tween: Tween

Theme:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3k3yzSzZF8(Three Days Grace-Never Too Late)

Finisher: Abyssion Arrow(Running Spinning Kick to the Back of the head.)

Abyssion Shot(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ndr2Q4Hbryg&feature=PlayList&p=D184D24169F9C440&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=21)


Wow' date=' a beautiful RAW!!

Matt, beware, The Mond is Here!

I hate Cena btw!



Well, every superstar has a fan and a non-fan........


John Cena does indeed suck! However I think since I'm turning him heel here, he might be a fair bit better in a new gimmick *evil laugh*

Gimmick: Darkish, keeps to himself, quiet, serious.


Although I am a fan of stars, I am no an affiliate, so your star is welcome :D


becuse you didn't give me a show, you shall be on Smackdown! Ok?

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