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PS&GIMP Trick & Tutorial Corner (Updated with PS tut)

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So, haris and I agreed about making a trick corner for the GIMP/PS users. Here, we together will post some tutorials/tricks/PSD's/XCF's to help fellow GIMP/PS user's. Remember that some of the tutorials are from totally newcomers, so don't start arguing with us, because you won't win that argue ;D



26th of April year 2009, .:BleshB:. started to help me keep this thread up. Also, the first PS tut was added.

24th of April year 2009, Seta Sojiro applied in the first XCF pack and tutorial of the thread.

23th of April year 2009, Seta Sojiro started the GIMP/PS Trick Corner.






[spoiler=Beginner users]

[spoiler=GIMP & PS]


C4D's are abstract art that can be made on various programs. We sigmakers mainly use C4D's to give our sigs some life and effects. While using a C4D, try to change the layer mode to something different than 'Normal' or 'Dissolve', since they don't give in any effects. Some layer modes are better to give effects, like 'Screen' and 'Lighten Only'. These two for example will give your sig a nice effect.


[spoiler=Graphical Terms]

Some times, while posting your creations, you come up with some wierd words you can't understand. I'll explain them a bit:


Render: render is an image without a background. They are usually used as focals in sigs. Remember that renders are always saved in .png format.


Focal: focal is usually the thing in the sig that you see when you take the first look at it. Usually focal is a render/stock.


Stock: stock is an image with a background. It can also be a photo of something (ex. lake). They are used in sigs to provide almost ready backgrounds.


Blending: when someone talks about blendind, they mean how well your render fits with your sigs background. Usually it's good to use a render of same color than the background to help blending. Blending can also be helped by blurring/sharpening/smudging the sig.









[spoiler=GIMP & PS]








[spoiler=GIMP & PS]








[spoiler=GIMP & PS]








[spoiler=GIMP & PS]








What are PSD's and XCF's?


PSD's and XCF's are editable save forms of creations on GIMP and PS. PSD's are for PS and XCF's for GIMP. By downloading PSD's/XCF's, you can open them in image making programs to see all the layers. This is used to tell other members how the tag was created without wasting time making a tut.

[spoiler=Seta Sojiro]

My Special XCF Pack.





[spoiler=Monkey Sig Tutorial]GIMP_Monkey_Sig_Tutorial_by_Sojiro_kun.png




[spoiler=Beginner Tag Tutorial]Credit to .:BleshB:.




[spoiler=Blending tutorial]


Credit to Jurassic







We'll keep this updated.



- Seta[/align]

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