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MGFX - Shop Edition


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~Formerly Laxa de Madsen



Hi there. First off, I want to explain that there are hundreds of members in MGFX. We will do your requests if we want to and if we can, so please understand that we can deny your requests. Now I want to say something to the members of MGFX, so listen. I wish to make as much of our members join and help me with this shop. Now, I am not forcing you, but if you have free time you can spend please do. As I don't have resources nor space on this laptop, I will not be saving XCFs. I am out of things to do, too lol. Enjoy shopping to the others.

[align=center][spoiler=My own examples and items]

I do Avatars, Tags and sometimes, some scratch work if I'm up to it.

[spoiler=Other Tag examples]






My work is free.

Others may charge some points, though.




Use whatever you want for a form for me.






[align=center][spoiler=Are you up for working?]

First off, you must be a member of MGFX.

Next, fill out this form:

What you wish and can do:



Again, enjoy shopping.

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Two Renders Please =D


[spoiler=Order #1]

Text on Graphic: N/A

Images For Graphic: croix.jpg

Size of Graphic: Same Size/sig size/your choice

Type Of Graphic: Render

Requested Artist: BleshB




[spoiler=Order #2]

Text on Graphic: N/A

Images For Graphic: Montage Dragon

Size of Graphic: Same Size/sig size/you choose

Type Of Graphic: Render

Requested Artist: BleshB




And two sigs


[spoiler=Order #3]

Text on Graphic: Croix

Images For Graphic: Render in Order #1

Size of Graphic: You choice

Type Of Graphic: Sig.

Requested Artist: BleshB




[spoiler=Order #4]

Text on Graphic: Montage Dragon

Images For Graphic: The Render in Order #2

Size of Graphic: Your choice

Type Of Graphic: Sig

Requested Artist: BleshB




I'll pay even tho I'm a member of the club =D

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@Croix/Teen Gohan: All accepted

@SSTidalSojiro: No. But when this turns into MGFX, moar the hundreds will be working =/

@Rapid: Not accepted.








All free ^_^

Working on montage.





Will do render later.

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You seem pretty fast and very good. ;)


[spoiler=[b]Sig[/b]]Text on Graphic: N/A

Images For Graphic: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-3246

Size of Graphic: Your preffered size. ;)

Type Of Graphic: Sig.



[spoiler=[b]Sig[/b]]Text on Graphic: N/A

Images For Graphic: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-7714

Size of Graphic: Your preffered size.

Type Of Graphic:



Club. FTW!

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Text on Graphic: Cove

Images For Graphic: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-26731

Size of Graphic: W/e You Decide

Type Of Graphic: Sig


Not accepted.



Text on Graphic: N/A

Images For Graphic: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-10404

Size of Graphic: 400 x 100-150

Type Of Graphic: Sig


P.S I'm a new member at team GFX :D



Will do.







render please




Sig please

Text on Graphic: Fernando Torres

Images For Graphic: The render i just ordered

Size of Graphic: 350x100

Type Of Graphic: Sig



Since I can't render hair' date=' would you mind if I just made the tag(sig)?




2 points.



160x120 is WAI too small.

Render is good.

Choose another size.


Oh' date=' sorry I ment 360 - 120. Finger slipt lol.




Will do.





3 points



Keep it up people.

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Text on Graphic: Cove

Images For Graphic: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-26731

Size of Graphic: W/e You Decide

Type Of Graphic: Sig


Not accepted.



Text on Graphic: N/A

Images For Graphic: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-10404

Size of Graphic: 400 x 100-150

Type Of Graphic: Sig


P.S I'm a new member at team GFX :D



Will do.







render please




Sig please

Text on Graphic: Fernando Torres

Images For Graphic: The render i just ordered

Size of Graphic: 350x100

Type Of Graphic: Sig



Since I can't render hair' date=' would you mind if I just made the tag(sig)?




2 points.



160x120 is WAI too small.

Render is good.

Choose another size.


Oh' date=' sorry I ment 360 - 120. Finger slipt lol.




Will do.





3 points



Keep it up people.


have u got a coloured version

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