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Emotional Anime

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So someone posted a thread about videogame cutscenes that made you cry. This is the same thing just anime. For example: (im a big cry baby so I wont list all of them)


Fullmetal alchemist: To say I cryed over this certian episode is the understatement of the year. Im litarly crying as I type this.


Omg the chimera episode you know the one where the guy uses alchemy to fuse his dog and little girl together. I cant even wow im emotinaly distirbed by that episode. The way the little thing talks omg okay new topic Im going to shoot myself.



Sailor moon R the promise of the rose.


Every sailor moon episode is dramatic, but the ending to this movie was really powerfull. It alot better with "The power of love" versus "moon revenge"


Also the scene where mar's trys to make sailor moon fight the guy but she wont because he will hurt them....priceless.



And the oh so famous cell/gohan fight.

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For me: Spoilers from me. (Screw you all)

Wolf's Rain - Toboe's Death/Tsume's heartfelt moment.

Death Note - L's Death

5Ds- 39 when Carly realized what she'd done, and 43 with Rua confessing how he really felt about Ruka's constant 'illness' (any twin moments make me cry because of the cuteness)

GX - Ryo's 'death', Sho overcoming the Psycho Shocker style. Alot of Fubuki Vs Fujiwara, especially his loss.

Vampire Knight Guilty - Ichiru finally letting his brother consume him.

Rozen Maiden - Shinku's response to losing her arm, probably because she was always a strong nothing can hurt me character.

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