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Headshot Dynasty (Back in red! RP resumed, accepting 1 new character!)

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"Hello?" Katou said "Suou? I don't know who you are, but Haruto said that you were trapped, so, we're here to rescue you I guess." Katou called curiously and confusedly. Katou leaned against a wall, accidentally pulling his Evokers trigger. "Woah!" Katou yelled as his eyes shot open in shock and fear, as his Persona came out. "What the hell?!" Katou yelled angrily, "Why didn't you guys tell me this 'Evoker' brought this out?!" Katou waved his arms around in crazy gestures, accidentally hitting Sho in the back of the head.

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"Hello Souo. We are here, you mind describing to us where you are? If we get some type of recognition from last night, we can get you out of here, but you must cooperate. Now, go ahead..."


He said while thoth appeared to give him the message...


He recieved a hand to the back of the head from Katou's incessant spaz moment. Sho proceeded to trip him by sweep kicking him.


"Damnit Katou, you know better, to watch yourself when you are being a spaz, touch me again and you'll see the results..."


He gave him a cold glare...


"The evoker should not be used so readily anyways. You only want to use it when up against powerful enemies. Keep the evoking to the higher members in smaller situations like this and you won't have to waste your energy..."

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"I did that by accident, Sho." Katou said as he got up and dusted off his pants slowly, very slowly. "I didn't know what this 'evoker' does anyway, I pulled the trigger by accident." Katou then smiled devilishly "After all, I've never been to the Tartarus, or even seen an evoker before yesterday when Haruto gave it to me." Katou then walked up to Lucifer "So, Suou, what floor are you on?" Katou put a troubled look on his face before he asked Suou that question.

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"Looks like I made it just in time for the fun stuff!" came Takahiro's voice from behind the group. He had just arrived and couldn't help but notice some kid trip and fall just a moment ago. Hiro had his big grin across his face, and as usual a toothpick in his mouth, as he walked into the area where everyone was standing.


He pulled his right hand from his pocket and formed the shape of a gun with his fingers before pointing it at the new face in the room, "Who might this sorry bastard be?" he asked as his grin got even bigger while noticing the persona next to the kid. 'He already had to evoke? He could'nt be very strong then.' Takahiro thought to himself while waiting for an answer. 'And when was there a fight?' He had'nt sensed anything on the way over...

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Yuki gritted his teeth irritably at the cacophony of voices that greeted his initial message. Really, these riffraff were hopeless without him. So incredibly disorganized. He had asked for a simple response, and while one was nice and composed, the rest were all talking out of turn, and the grating, irritating voice of Takahiro was also there.


Best to simply make this quick. "All of you. Shut up. Whomever just evoked, I want you to leave your Persona out - I can detect it, and I will use that to trace my group back to yours. I repeat; stay where you are and let me find you. Organization, ingrates."


He turned with a sigh to his companions. "Come on, you two." he then returned to addressing the group on the Ground Floor. "Now keep quiet on this channel whilst I locate you all. If you don't... I'll bite you to death." he stated ominously, brandishing his rapier.


None of them could SEE it, but anyone who knew him probably had a good idea of what the threat meant. And they also knew he wasn't bluffing.

OOC: 10 Zexaeon points to the first person who gets the reference I just made. xD

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

They're in.


Uremashii knelt before the gates of Tartarus, staring into the tower. SEES had preceded her, obviously; she wouldn't risk an encounter with the group if she could help it. As she raised her pistol to her temple, she produced a similarly colored cylinder from her pocket and put it over her gun's barrel.


Then she fired.


Atropos was in. Not that anyone would be the wiser.


That was why she'd attached the silencer. The 'noise' from the Evoker's shot had been nullified; there would be no indication that Atropos had been summoned outside the third Fate's pseudo-physical form.


Her Persona was back in a heartbeat. "Don't go in yet," she warned grimly. "From the looks of it, they're sticking to the ground floor for a while. Unless you've figured out how to enter at higher floors, or if you want to run into them, we're basically locked out."


"...Wait a while and see if they move," Uremashii decided. "Just check in periodically; don't risk their capturing you. They're useful enough that a confrontation would be absolutely ruinous."


By 'a confrontation,' she really meant 'Ragna.'


"If they don't move for a while," she added, "we can just skip Tartarus tonight."

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"They guys are here nyah? YES! We're finally getting out of this hellhole nyah!"

Ayumu got Evoker out and activated it. Apocatequil burst out. His glowing form lit up the entire floor of Tartarus, scattering all the vermin that wandered the halls.

"What is it Ayumu? Where's the trouble?" Apocaitquil said with a concerned expression as he drew out his axe.

"Calm down Apo-chan! There no trouble nyah! I just need you to be bright so I can get out this place!"

"...I do not enjoy it when you use me like a disposable tool like this..."

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Sho Replied quickly,

"Alright Suou, do what you do..."

He was bored with this whole change of events. He wanted Suou to just get out soon so he could go kick some ass or at least get back home and read a book. He hoped this just wasn't going to take too long.


"Hey Suou"

He said telepathically in a soft voice,

"I can have Thoth make you a wisdom path out of there if you want, that way you can't get lost at all... It's up to you, I just want to do something..."

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OOC: You guys were busy while I was asleep. XD


IC: "Hey, calm down, you two... Heh?" The small communicator on Haruto's waist was beeping incessantly, and from the looks of it, there was something it wanted to say.


"Shut up, you all. I'm getting... well, something." The small radar attached to the modified communicator was slowly blipping. Haruto had taken 3 months out of his own time to make the piece of junk; it could detect parties of organisms in Tartarus, regardless of distance. There were still some glitches, however, but that was a moot point.


Looking down at the radar, the SEES second-in-command felt a sense of dread sweep over him. Ripping off the communicator part, he began to yell at Suou on the other end, ignoring all formalities. "Yuki, there is one other non-Shadow party not within close proximity! I repeat, one other non-Shadow party!"


Slapping the device shut, he turned, and started to address the others. "Guys, ready your Evokers, but don't Evoke just yet. I don't know whether this thing is hostile or not, but we want to be ready for the worst."

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OoC: Yes Rinne, we were.


Katou drew his Evoker, which he now knew what did after his little accident with the trigger, which lead to hitting Sho in the back of the head, which lead to Katou being tripped. "So, besides us, and the other 3, there's humans in here? And would you mind telling me what Shadows are?" Katou asked, sounding troubled. But Katou wasn't troubled, he was planning a strategy. Katou's logic told him that if he could learn about the Shadows, he could figure out the best way to defeat them.


... I'll bite you to death."


OoC: Hibari Kyoya from Katekyo Hitman Reborn is a whore for having such a win slogan. I'll be taking my Zexaeon points now. And Tapion, just read the previous posts, we're now inside the Tartarus, so I think you have to wait until DAY.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

"Wh — "


Atropos darted back to Uremashii, frantic. "Put the silencer back on!" the third Fate hissed, desperate. "They can still detect me unless the silencer is actually on the Evoker."


"...you could have told me that," Uremashii mumbled dejectedly as she screwed the silver cylinder back onto her Evoker. She continued to mutter excuses as she turned steadily redder.


"Oh, come on," Atropos sighed, simultaneously exasperated and guilty. "I didn't mean it that way... We gonna stick around?"


"I guess," Uremashii muttered, still blushing. "See if they come out to look for us. We can slip past them if they do."


"...wait," Atropos murmured. "What if they're using some sort of heat-sensing device? We can't hide from that yet."


"If they're too accurate, we're out of here," the human assured her Persona, tensing to flee."

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"Oh yes, way ahead of you.."

Sho said as he looked to his persona...

His persona had picked up something too, an energy perhaps, a sentient being. Sho simply put it off, so they could deal with it later after they get Yuki, but it looked like this wasn't going to wait. He turned to the group...


"Nobody go in yet, I'm pretty sure Yuki can handle his own, especially with a healer and an extra ally. Give him the choice to ask forour help. Now, Suou, don't get freaked out by that little spaz and his yelling. We just detected a being nearby you. You can check it out or leave soon, I can still leave a wisdom trail for you..."


Sho's persona shook a bit. It was feeling some type of energy. Unusual energy, but from this being? This could all be a hoax, but then again, nothing really is a hoax in tartarus...

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Uremashii finished screwing on the silencer.


"There we are," Atropos encouraged. "Our energy should be completely nullified — at least, our Personal energy; no Personae or Shadows will be able to detect us. If it doesn't work..."


"It's going to be incredibly difficult to acquire more titanium," the smaller girl finished grimly. "Damnit. I don't even know if this thing works."


She waited.

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A low growl built in Lucifers throat "Don't." Katou said calmly to his angered Persona. "I would prefer not to be called a spaz, Sho. I do have anger management issues at times, yes." Katou then shot Sho a dark glare and leaned against a wall, once again planning. Katou twiddled his thumbs, and looked at his Evoker, looking troubled again. This time, Katou was troubled. He was afraid that he would die in the Tartarus, as he didn't know his Persona would protect him.

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"I lost the damn presence. sheet. I never make mistakes like this! What could have happened?"

He turned to his persona, whom tried to recover the energy. But, to no avail...

"You still have something Haruto?"

He turned to him as an odd shadow seemed to be cast behind him.

"Suou, you are going to run into some trouble, just don't get killed. "

He hoped for the best...

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"Did I ever say that we have other humans in here, Katou?" Haruto was getting impatient. "No. I just said that it was a non-Shadow. To our limited knowledge, it could be some undetermined species that I've never heard about or even encountered. To be sure," and he pulled out his Evoker, "I am now requiring all members here to Evoke. I'm getting even worse feelings as we go."


Resting the muzzle of the gun-shaped artifact against his temple, Haruto pulled the trigger, wincing as a storm of blue shards flew out the other end and manifested into his three-piece suit wearing Persona, Baron Samedi. "Baron, if you may, please don't dance here. I'm not willing to risk catching the attention of any other... things."


Haruto began to walk forwards, into the next. "Well, c'mon, you guys. We don't have all the time in the world."


OOC: Mineku, I never gave you the thumbs-up. Wait a bit, 'kay?

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"Hey, Haruto, does pulling the Evoker trigger just release the Persona? I saw you pull yours, and Baron Samedi came out. Does it do anything else?" Katou asked curiously, as the troubled look had now disappeared from his face. Katou got tired of waiting, although he had only waited about 4 seconds. So, Katou quickly put his Evoker to his temple, just as Haruto did, and pulled the trigger. Katou was shot backwards, and a large devil-looking creature appeared in front of him. "Aaaah! It's Lucifer! Run!" Katou jumped up and Lucifer held him still "I won't hurt you, Katou. I'm your Persona." Lucifer said reassuringly. "O... Okay." Katou said, shaking. Lucifer put Katou down slowly, as the Persona felt him shaking.

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"Evoke? There's nothin around! Fenrir doesnt like it when I call him out for no reason." with that Takahiro re-pocketed his hands and followed the others. He refused to call out his persona unless there is immediate need for it.


"So, wheres that a**hole Yuki at anyway?" he asked with his usual big grin. Then he remembered the real reason he came tonight and thought to himself'Where's Ayumu?' As he hadnt heard that she was with Yuki and Yoshi.

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"Shall I go in first? The presence undetected, they could at least use an extra hand of help. Or I can assess the situation incase they are trapped and report it back to you guys..."


Sho whispered to the group, as he did not need Yuki complaining that he came to check on him and his party. This matter was serious, the presence felt much like the presence of people like him, but slightly different. He took a step into the next room, and waved goodbye to his fellow group members.


"Be back in twelve minutes, If i'm not back, or the others aren't back, run for it!"


Those were his last words before diving down the stairs. He used a wisdom trail to find Yuki's presence. He absorbed his persona in symbiosis: Godspeed, to give him extra speed. He was going 36 and started down a few levels. Oddly enough, there were no creatures around...


One exception, actually make that two. There were two twin figures in the distance. Looked like shadows, but upon getting close enough to catch a glimpse, they vanished... Odd...


Another few seconds, and they appeared again, this time, waiting for him. He stopped suddenly, scraping the bottom of his new shoes...


"Damn, got to remember not to do that with good shoes on..."


He looked ahead, to find two shadows, shaped like beautiful women, in cloaks. His first instinct was to draw his blade, but one held up their hand, not allowing him to move.


"Who are you?"


The shadow pushed him back, accross the room, into a wall, and his head shook from the shock. He saw stars. He quickly drew his blade, but was stopped in his stance. He then drew his persona for attack.


The persona let out it's first spell: "Knowing!"


A book sprouted from it's hands, and thoth slammed the book shut over the two shadows. The shadow appeared on the page they were stuck on and small knowledge appeared from the minds of the maya. Apparently, they were near Yuki and the rest earlier, in an earlier battle...


Sho rushed forward, after taking his persona back into symbiosis and ran forward with great strides...

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Turning around, Haruto gave Takahiro the most withering glance he could manage to make, which wasn't actually all that intimidating. "That wasn't a request, Hayashi. That was an order. Since Suou-san isn't around, you do not really have any say in the matter, even though you are older than I am. Do you get it?"


Without waiting for a response, Haruto made an nearly-unseen hand motion, and the Baron, understanding the signal, whacked Takahiro over the head with his cane. "Guys, I mean it. Evokers to the head, and shoot. It isn't a very difficult concept to understand."


"Besides," he added as the Baron impaled the Maya floating behind him, "it'll help."


@I Am: Maya is the term for a specific enemy. The term you're looking for is Shadow. Fix it, plz.

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Daisuke heard Haruto saying that all the ones who where present there "Since when are you the one who decides what we have to do?" He said with a frown "I'm not Evoking until... Argh forget it, i'll do it anyway." He pulled out the device that would take care of the Evoking and put it near the right side of his head and triggered the device. There appeared a human that looked like he would never hurt it out of know where "Hello, Daisuke. Incase we never met: i am Degei, your Persona." It said while making a short for Daisuke. He shaked his head in a small vertical movement replying to Degei "So, this is what a Persona is? A god?" He asked while turning to Haruto.

OoC: Since i'm not sure if the students know their Persona i made it so that they met eachother for the first time, i'm not familiar with Persona anyway.

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