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Flip Trolls 3: This Time, it's Personal!


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after some testing, this is my most recent version:


3 morph 2

3 needle worm

1 morph

1 night

3 gardna

3 apprentice

2 seer

1 sangan

1 merchant

2 mask



2 shallow

3 eclipse

2 moon

2 taiyou

1 card dest

2 allure



2 sunlight

2 needle ceiling

3 waboku

3 roar



deck 42




1 heavy

1 trunade

1 mst

3 pachy

3 old vindictive

3 penguins

3 negate attack


i find taiyou actually dead draws at 3, so i bumped it to 2.

so does sunlight.

so there.

i believe this version has a much stronger survivability.

on the premise of full milling, it occurs to me that I am opting to face the full brunt of any deck. based on that, ive added the means for this deck to live for-funking-ever.

and between the main and side deck, it should be able to counter almost anything thats thrown at it.

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