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Character Name (Not my real name):Derek

Character Game Name (Characters name in the game):The Great Magician/Destroyer

Age:14 (Not my real age)

Weaon(s):Electric arm (Giant claw at the end that can shoot bombs and lazers),Right arm (Can shoot lazers) and an Molecular/Electricity gun (Can shoot electricity and can turn an enemy into atoms).

In Game Power:Super strength

Bio:When he was sucked in to the game he has destroyed every player and creature in his way just to get out of the game,but soon he will learn friendship but when and how soon...........

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Character Name: mylus turker

Appenance: tall,blue and cyan armour,left hand is a cannon,right hand is normal but gloved

Age: 27

Waepon(s): a mega buster

In Game Power: the ability to pass his own life points onto others

Bio: while trying to hack into the game he became stuck there but created a mod to boost up othe life points at the cost of his own.He also created his own weapon which is like the mega man arm cannon

ooc:i could not find a picture of my charecters looks

ooc:and i guess cause this is pg-16 swearing is allowed

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Character Name: Mina



Age: 10 (Because when your young, your a master gamer :D)

Wepon(s):Eletric sword.

In Game Power: Electric powers (Can shoot lightning out of hands, make eletric balls (As big as hand))

Bio: A young boy who thought that this game was boring after the first couple of minutes, but when he became his charicter, he became determend to win.

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Character Name: Akima

Appearance: [spoiler=Click Here]37124_sasuke_2.jpg


Age: 17

Weapon(s): Kusanagi Blade (The sword can extend its blade 10 meters to attack from a distance and it can cut through almost anything.)

In Game Power:(Only one power) Teleportation (Max. 7yards)

Bio: Always loved battle video games and after playing this one became hooked LITERALLY...

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