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Some guy with a gun.




1 "Ingress Unison" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monster

This card can only be Special Summoned by Synchro Summon. Once per turn, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects depending if an "Ingress Unison" is in 1 of the following Locations: -- GRAVEYARD: Decrease this card’s Level to add 1 monster with a Level equal to the decreased Level. -- HAND: Your opponent must reveal all monsters in their hand. If they don’t, they lose 1000 Life Points for each non-revealed monster. -- REMOVE PILE: Return all Defense Position monsters to their owner’s hands and draw 1 card for each card returned to the hand.

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meh, it just says removed from play in the card game.

nice. i am hoping to have it made into its own type, so yeah. anyway bositige, i look forward to seeing more cards.

they may let you join, although they would have trouble with you if you start arbitrarily bashing fake types.

striker9211 is a part of the Fake Kingdom. other then that, i really don't know all that much about him.

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Like' date=' Beast-Warrior?



No. The would be anthropomorphism. I think thats the only case where there could be a combination of types without having "This is treated also as a..." effect. Other than that, other combinations with that effect would end up being either abused or just turn out completly dumb.

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Then Dragon Warrior can be a type?


In basic terms, no. Beast-Warrior is a seperate type, but its a combination of two types. It would most likely have to be a Dragon-Type monster with "This card is treated also as a Warrior-Type monster." effect and vice versa. Like we said before, though there could be types that seem good enough, most of them will turn out to be stupid in the end.

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Why not to the basic? Make the monsters have 0 ATK with high DEF and they have to be summoned in Attack Position. Or:


"During the Standby Phase of your opponent's turn, he/she can pay 1000 Life Points. When your opponent uses this effect, this card cannot be destroyed by battle. Instead of taking battle damage, you take damage equal to the attacking monster's ATK."

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