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This will be in real life.


Monsters: 19

3x Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon

3x Athena


3x Mother Grizzly

3x Cloudian - Acid Cloud

3x Cloudian - Altus

3x Cloudian - Cirrostratus

1x Sangan


Spells: 17

3x Geartown

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

3x Vanhallia - Hall of the Fallen

3x Cloudian Squall

3x Diamond Dust Cyclone

1x Fog Control

1x Brain Control

1x Monster Reborn


Traps: 4

3x Spirit Barrier

1x Threatening Roar

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thats just not cool man


...spam disregarded.


Maybe some The Sanctuary In the Sky? You could use it on your Geartowns to destroy them and get a new field spell out. Maybe take out the Spirit Barriers for 'em.

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thats just not cool man


...spam disregarded.


Maybe some The Sanctuary In the Sky? You could use it on your Geartowns to destroy them and get a new field spell out. Maybe take out the Spirit Barriers for 'em.


While your at it, You need Terraforming! :O

Plus, Threatning at 1 is somewaht random >___>

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Maybe some The Sanctuary In the Sky? You could use it on your Geartowns to destroy them and get a new field spell out. Maybe take out the Spirit Barriers for 'em.


Geartown has to be destroyed' date=' not sent to the Graveyard.



While your at it, You need Terraforming! :O

Plus, Threatning at 1 is somewaht random >___>



Threatening was a random filler I had to think up quick.

-1 Roar

+1 Terra then?


You could' date=' in theory, use Magical Hats to get 2 Gadjitron Dragons out quickly (by using 2 Geartown).



Now that is an interesting idea, and holy shiz, that works. 2 free Dragons no matter what your opponent does.


So, in conclusion, -1 Roar, +1 Hats.

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