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LIFE (the remake)(started and still acppeting)(Please PM)


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OoC: init lol.



Name: Charles Edwin

Age: 36

appersins(pic or disscerpsion):


Bio(opicino): He is very clever at English, and has taught at the school for a while now. He is lighthearted, and he rarely gives detentions or punishes.

personality: Intelligent, Humorous

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OoC: Thanks =)


It was the first lesson of the term, and as Charles Edwin prepared his books for today's lesson, he wondered what to expect from this year's pupils. On his way into school, he saw several pupils reading outside, which showed promise. However he would just have to wait and see. The clock at the back of the classroom showed that school was to start, and he was to teach English. He left his desk to wait in the hallway. There, he saw two boys who were already waiting. He decided to try and make conversation with them.

Mr. Edwin: You two must be here for my English classes! How punctual of you to arrive at this time


When the teacher spoke to them, Ryo decided to leave the talking to Poseidon.

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Name: Hana Izumi

Age: 29

[spoiler=Pg-13 Appearance]Sexy_Profession___Teacher.jpg



Bio(opicino): She has always been clever and now she teaches here, she is very new to the school.

personality: Intelligent, Flirty, Shy, Good at teaching though.


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OoC: Thanks...


Name:Jacob Augustine

Age: 32

appearance: He has white-silver hair that reaches to his cheek, his eyes are deep blue and can be beautiful if you look at it closely. He wears a scientist suit, and underneath is a black shirt and blue jeans.


While Jacob doesn't have the family name as Alex, he is his Godfather because he was once his father's best friends, leading to being a godfather to Alex. He cares for Alex but can be kind of annoying to him. His parents were killed when he was 12, the same age Alex received his Parent's death. WHile they fight, they're good friends and sometimes even talk to each other and have fun...

personality: Calm, Intelligent, caring(mostly to Alex), Tha asks questions type, and sadistic.

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