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I now know how it feels to be Draco Straybyrn. Join if you care for Justice. Join if you hate corruption.

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Greetings ex-fellow YCMers.


[spoiler=The truth.]


Recently some "confusion" uprose today' date=' some confusion that I'd have you be aware of. Why? Because my dear friend, my Username isn't just for kicks 'n' giggles.


~ P O L A R I S ~ and Frlf, two members you may've come to know over your time here, were banned on this day, Monday the 20th of April, 2009. As you'd likely suspect, I'm one of them, I'm ~ P O L A R I S ~.


How was I banned?


After Frlf was banned, he provided evidence to me via a different forum that haris had hacked his account and porn-spammed with it. Browarod knew this, I have proof. Even so, he left haris untouched, and banned Frlf. Now why would this happen? Corruption. My EX-BELOVED Super Mod, Darth Browarod, was just a corrupt bastard. [b']YOUR BELOVED SUPER MOD, DARTH BROWAROD, IS JUST A CORRUPT BASTARD.[/b]


Frlf was banned for no reason other than haris being able to guess his password. haris, though Browarod KNEW he'd done so, walked free.


Then what happened? Read on.


I PMed haris with evidence I'd acquired from Frlf on a different forum proving his guilt, outraged with the predicament. Minutes later, I find I've been banned for four months on charge of hacking and posting inappropriate images.


Frlf and I got framed up. By haris, by Browarod, by Icyblue. By members I'd come to respect. By members I now resent for scapegoating me to mask the truth.







Ramon dice (06:23 p.m.):


Josh [icy] dice (06:24 p.m.):

Lmao no

Ramon dice (06:26 p.m.):


Ramon dice (06:26 p.m.):


Josh [icy] dice (06:26 p.m.):

Username Reason Length Banned By

Frlf Change your f-ing password >_>

Ramon dice (06:26 p.m.):


Ramon dice (06:26 p.m.):


Ramon dice (06:27 p.m.):


Ramon dice (06:27 p.m.):


Ramon dice (06:27 p.m.):



I don't know if this is a prank. I don't know how many people are in on this. The mod team? I wouldn't be surprised. I don't know if they had nostalgia for the days when injustice was done to Draco' date=' and frankly I don't care.


The bottom line, injustice was done today, knowingly, just to remove Frlf and myself from YCM for whatever the mods saw fit. INJUSTICE SHALL NOT BE TOLERATED. Not on YCM. Not anywhere.


I ask that Frlf and ~ P O L A R I S ~ be unbanned immediately. I ask that haris and this account be banned immediately. I request that this thread be left open as a momento to all those who were in on this.


There's no contractual obligation that these requests be fulfilled, there is however, an ethical obligation. If these requests aren't fulfilled, may the burdens of the injustice haunt the perpetrators of this attack on justice. [/quote']




I am ~ P O L A R I S ~ and I am outraged. Stand by me if you detest corruption.


Join me, and together we will stand for justice.




Intolerable Injustice


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I banned Frlf to prevent the hacker from doing anymore damage. I never intended to keep him banned. EDIT: Frlf is now unbanned again.


As for you, double accounting is never allowed even if you feel you were banned unjustly.


If you wish to contest it, feel free to contact me on IM, I'm sure you can find someone who knows it.


Also, lies usually work better when the person you're lying to doesn't already know the truth ;)

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