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Yugioh - Trials of the lost world -Started, still acceptng good guys via pm!


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Username*: Dark Heart

Character Name*: Holly Rhodes

Side [good or evil]: Evil

Duel disk* [pic or description]:


Character appearance:


Character bio*: Once a proud member of the Rhodes family but once she went on a school trip she was never the same. Now power has blinded her she tricks enemys by her good looks and when shes close to them she strikes using her customized deck witch contains The Seal Of Orichalcos that she found on her school trip.

Deck Recipies*:

Synchro Shadow Strike

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OOC: You're an evil minion guy, so an evil conference should do for you:


Darkdoor: "I have come to the decision that the inferior human race must be eliminated! *bangs hand on desk* And any ounce of fun of any kind will not be tollerated, I wish for you to all go out and kill every human, by any means necesary! Any objections?"

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Lugner heard another council crashing in on his rather... Agressive chat with Darkdoor "Hey, our aim is rule over the world, not keeping men at our feet! Beside if we make them our slaves, what challenge will there be if we have total control? Let us have a challenge atleast, that is my final word." He sat as he sat down.

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