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Yugioh - Trials of the lost world -Started, still acceptng good guys via pm!


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I'm begining to get good at making these, so here's another rp from 'Supercard productions ©'



200 years in the future, the worlds greatest king, was replaced with a tyrant, the tyrant, Lord Deathsun hates all life except his Deathsun minions, they have been sent to eliminate all existance!





Character Name*:

Side [good or evil]:

Duel disk* [pic or description]:

Character appearance:

Character bio*:

Deck Recipies*:


*required field



[spoiler= My app]

Username*: Supercardman101

Character Name*: Peter Aquamarine

Side [good, neutral or evil]: Good

Duel disk* [pic or description]: Aqua coloured normal duel disk

Character appearance: -----

Character bio*: He lived alone all his life, practicing dueling alone, he never would talk to anyone because he was too shy, until now...

Deck Recipies*: One Truth Prevails!

Elemental hero



[spoiler=rules READ BEFORE POSTING]

1- All YCM rules apply

2- YCM decs may be used providing no cheating is used and the cards you use are posted

3- Any app posted in this thread WILL be rejected if the rp has started and the user will be negged once, spamming from noobs is not tollerated either, if you pm the app after starting the chances are you will be rejected

4- I reserve the right to refuse applications if I wish



[spoiler=accepted members]

1- Peter - Supercardman101

2- AJ - flurryxofxflames8

3- Jo - goldenboy820

4- Desperado - Zetsu-Plant

5- Azure - Kiryu

6- Michael - awesome66



1- Zarkus - Armagedon Man




[spoiler=Deathsun Minions]

1- Axel - LiverpoolBoy1996

2- josep - Lord JZ of the Enigma

3- Antonio - Blazinghydra

4- Lugner - Legenary Tapion

5- Holly - Dark Heart



[spoiler=Deathsun Trials]

1- ???????

2- ???????

3- ???????

4- ???????

5- ???????



If you feel I have missed anything please don't hesitate to tell me

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loyal friend and RP'er reporting for duty sir (salutes)


Username*: flurryxofxflames8, (i'm the REAL axel, got it memorized? XD)

Character Name*: AJ Maxwell (Andrew Joseph)

Side [good or evil]: good

Duel disk* [pic or description]: black and green battle city duel disk

Character appearance: same as Ultima except hair is short and brown

Character bio*: this young duelist grew up alone from the beginning having nothing and no one but his deck and duel spirit, he now fights not to destroy the tyrant, but to gain what he never had, and give himself and the world a brighter future

Deck Recipies*:

1. Crystal OTK

2. Synchro Assault

3. Rise of Monarchy


any changes needed please inform.

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Is this gonna be about yugioh or what so I can make an appropiate character.

Yugioh it is.


Character name: Jo

Duel disk: pitch black with a silver edge

Side: good

Appearance: a 10 year old boy with a pitch black suit with silver buttons. Silver shoes. Slightly shaggy silver hair.

Bio: jo is a child prodigy and intimidates the best after his duels. Many people have doubted him because he is so small. However after a duel, he taunts the loser. One day, after a duel, he found a card on the floor. It had immense power within it and forced him to find another person to duel. He found that during the duel his opponent began taking real damage, and jo almost killed his opponent with the final attack. He found out that this card awakened his power as a psychic duelist as well as his fairy tale deck. Now he attempts to help out with his psychic abilities to siphon it out of him. But that card won't let him do that...

Deck recipies: 1: Storybook Tales

2: Happily Never After

Favorite card: Butterfly Dragon (a big purple sli.m dragon with huge translucent butterfly wings)

Trump card: Dark Teller( looks like a twisted human holding a hige storybook, with a gold eye and a silver eye)


That's it. Pm me or reply foe changes so I'll know what to do. O and tell me if u like the character.

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Username: Blazinghydra

Character Name: Antonio

Side: Evil (Sort of.)

Duel disk: A grey factory-standard, unpainted model with some exposed parts. Looks worn, though taken care of.

Character appearance: A content looking man in a bowler hat, with a brown trench coat, silk black shirt beneath with large buttons, and a white undershirt. Wears black dresspants, and a pair of freshly shined shoes. Generally has a 5 o'clock shadow, but seems rather taken care of. Has brown eyes, a small nose, and a thin mouth. Carries with him a walking stick, which is concealing a blade.

Character bio: A calm, patient man who, in truth, is rather lazy and can be often found on a park bench. Is employed by Lord Deathsun as a type of spy (due to him being rather perceptive and inconspicuous, unlike most of Deathsun's minions), and tax collector. Has very little initiative, and likes to watch the world pass by him.

Deck Recipes:

1- Waiting for Godot

2- Skill Drain

3- Skull Servant

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Username*:Lord JZ of the Enigma

Character Name*:Josep Zavara

Side [good or evil]:Evil, poses as a good guy

Duel disk* [pic or description]:he has a battle city duel disk when good but it changes to a large crescent blade when evil

Character appearance:Short black hair with a cross shaped x on his cheek his eyes are a very light brown eyes that turn silver when the moon is full.

Character bio*:born to a cult that rivaled the DeathSuns, he would constantly go into battle with them until he had reached status as #1 duelist among the Lunar Blades. When the Tyrant claimed the world he destroyed Josep's clan and stripped him of his powers, not wanting to let his species go to waste he kept the boy and erased his memories leaving him as one of his lesser soldiers.

Deck Recipies*:

Charmer deck

Six Samurai deck

Mystic Guardian deck

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Username*: Zetsu-plant

Character Name*: Desperado Perez

Side [good or evil]: good

Duel disk* [pic or description]: he looks like marik only has black hair and is not as tan

Character appearance: he looks like marik only has black hair and is not as tan

Character bio*: i can't think of one

Deck Recipies*: Stardust Neos deck, Archfiend deck, Psychic

Favorite card: Elemental Hero Brute

Trump card: Elemental Hero Stardust Neos

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