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Alien Wars (Ben 10 RP, STARTED!)


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80 years after the event of Ben 10, the Omnitrix has been destroyed and the Alien DNA has spread across earth and each of the DNA sample has planted itself inside a human host. The humans that has this treat has been given the abillity to transform into the alien that the DNA belongs to, which has given them the choice of either doing good or use the power to destroy and cause chaos. The bad guys have now formed an alliance called The Consortium, and they plan to achieve world domination. It's up to you to choose...







Side: (Good/Bad, this is just to show how you use the powers of the alien form)

Alien Form: (Anyone of Ben's alien forms (Alien Force and Ben 10,000 forms included) except for Way Big and Alien X. You cannot use the same alien form as someone else)

Appearance: (Pic or description doesn't matter)

Bio: (Must be over 4 sentences long, this will determine if you are accepted or not)


[spoiler=My app]

Name: Ken Hikari

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Side: Good

Alien Form: Ditto

Appearance: Black hair, green eyes. Wears a white t-shirt with black jeans.

Bio: Ken's parents was killed when he was younbg and since then he has lived with his grandparents. He does'nt have any friends and one time when he cried because of this the DNA activated and transformed him into Ditto. Since then he has always had someone to play with, but now when the Consortium will attack he know that he must use his powers to defend earth. What he wants most in the world is to find someone to really call a friend.



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Name: Drake Josh

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Side: Good

Alien Form: XLR8

Appearance: Black hair with a black T-Shirt, blue jeans and black shoes.

Bio: Drake Josh was abandoned at birth, and has therefore learned to survive on the streets. He discovered his ability to transform into XLR8 when he ran from a group of thugs, as he stole a piece of their already stolen food. He has used his powers of speed and reflexes to help people, while moving so fast that no one sees him, and is therefore anonymus. He really wishes to find someone he can call a family...

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Name: Shaun McMuscle

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Side: Good

Alien Form: Humongousaur

Appearance: Im2sexy.jpg

Bio: Shaun has been exorcising and building muscle ever since he was 8. Today, he is a big, muscle bounded man and he says that he will try to stay that way for the rest of his life. But when the DNA sample of Humongousaur and saw himself like it for the first time, and thought that he could get used to this. He was then contacted by a strange man hiding in a cloak, and he told Shaun that the world is going to be destroyed. He knew what to do.

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Name: ryen manda

Age: 16

Gender: female

Side: evil

Alien Form: upgrade

Appearance: dressed in a long black dress,skull headband,long red hair

Bio: while working in a lab ryen spilt a vial of cyanide on her skin .she survived.though she survived her skin turned black and green and always had to stay in the up-grade form for all of her life. so now she preys of the weak because they shunned her away from society


ooc:though i know the aliens and the story i have never seen ben 10

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Name:Ernest Avers



Side: Good

Alien Form: Fourarms


Bio: Ernest has always been shy but tried his best to overcome it. He was the weakest in his school and tried to gain more muscle and strength in order to look more like a man. Once the DNA sample changed his body and having the ability to change into a strong four armed alien, he felt like he could overcome what he couldnt do before. But being an alien would mean that he could be called a freak, his mind is in confused state not knowing what he will do with his abilities.

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Both accepted, okay, everyone may have one more character, but the other character MUST be on the other side (Good/Bad)


My other character:


[spoiler=Sturky Laketwig]

Name: Sturky Laketwig

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Side: Bad

Alien Form: Stinkfly

Appearance: Long, green hair. Black eyes and wears a black suit.

Bio: Sturky is a very smart young man who has worked with comming up plans for a gang of thugs. When he got the DNA of Stinkly he joined the Consortium and now works as a spy. Altough he is physically weak, he is able to defeat strong opponents using his high intellect to come up with strategies. He allways carries around a laptop with very useful features, like an inbuilt mini-turret.




Oh, btw, we can start now!

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This is my other character


Name:Gabriel Take

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Side: Bad

Alien Form: Cannonbolt

Appearance: Later

Bio: Gabriel has always been hated by everyone around him. He hates it when people are seen as being better than him and does not like it when his mum says no to things that he wants when he was younger. When he found the DNA sample, he begins to feel different and greedy wanting to steel money and other things he finds valuable to himself.


OoC: Where or how will we start, im not so good at starting RP's

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Name: Axle Comuteza

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Side: Neutral. He's not sure what he wants to do yet.

Alien Form: Ghost Freak, unless he can't go out into the sunlight, then Big Chill

Appearance: 1150260448132.jpg

Bio: Axle has been abused his whole life by his mom. He's never had any friends because of this. People tended to avoid him and ignore him. He used to be a wimp, and man people began to beat him up, along with his mom. One day, his mom died and his dad disappeared. Axle ended up living on the streets, becomming tougher and colder. He decided he was on his own, not caring what others thought of him. Then, he got the DNA. He wanted revenge. But, he decided it wasn't worth it to kill others, but still loves to mess around with them.

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Name:Cloud White



Side: Bad

Alien Form: Swampfire

Appearance: guy121.jpg

Bio: Cloud hates life. He dosn't know what happened to his parents. They disappeared when he was 10.When Cloud turned 13 he started to get into trouble and started to street fight.He loves fighting.Cloud got the DNA and loved it.He was more better and stronger.Now Cloud just walks around the city and waiting for something to happen.

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OoC: Both accepted. When Ben turned into Ghost Freak he could go outside when it was sunny, so why not?


Ken was walking along the streets, looking around for something to do. But he couldn't find anything so he just seated on a bnch and waited for something interesting to do.

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Srry this is interupting this RP:


Name:Kaisu Sayuna



Side: Good (If the attack thing is accepted, or Bad)

Alien Form: Heatblast

Appearance: Long blue coat, white t-shirt, red trousers, black skater shoes, suitcase (For travelling)

Bio: An asian, his parents were recently killed in one of the bad guy's (Forgot their name...) first attacks. (Plz, or ill do ar crash.) and the experience, as he was right to his parents/'s car when they were killed, has terriefied him and he seeks revenge/was enraged at other humans, and the alien DNA sample he was fused with, has given him new confidence. With a short temper, his speed and power are sharply raised for a short amout of times, for when he has anger burst, and even attacked his friend after he got his DNA sample, and he suffered serious burns as anger triggers Kaisu's alien form. He now seeks someone to fight along side him...

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