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Fairy OTK


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Here it comes, my fusion of my fairy otks.

it fuses the athena honest otk and the superbia athena otk.

the former is:

athena on the field, summon honest, bounce to hand, resummon via ultimate offering

burn at a 600-500 rate until death.


the latter is:

use athena and another fairy to revive superbia and re-revive that fairy. the burn damage is 12, the attack is enough combined to wipe out the remainder.

if you have multiple athenas in the grave, you can extend the burn by cycling athena and superbia.



oh yea, the deck:

2 christia

1 superbia

3 athena

3 tethys

3 honest

1 hecatrice

1 marshmallon

2 gellenduo

3 thunder kings

3 victoria



2 valhalla

1 reborn

3 dwd

3 hand destruction

1 heavy

1 trunade

1 soul release



3 roar

2 ultimate offering



deck 40


ask if you have any questions.

the soul release is there to manipulate the graveyard for christia.

just a simple tech.

then the victorias are there as beaters and because they work great in this meta. (they steal stardust, red dragon, etc)




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it also lets me run a REALLY DEAD HAND.

since, ya know, ill draw 10 funking non-summonables.

9 is the absolute cap.

in fact, i should probably have 6, i just dont know what to cut.

also, athena + superbia + anything is gg.

the burn + the attack is well over 8k

if 2900 cant topple it, i probably shouldnt be trying to otk them.


also, that lineup needs a dark monster in my hand.

and zerato does NOT let me run tradein and allure.

i would have to trip him to run tradein effectively, then i would have to run at least 3 other dark monsters that i dont mind dying to use allure.


vicky isnt bad either.

but its an abomination of an idea to suggest that i drop 3 level 4s for 3 level 8's when i have no means of summoning them.


ive tried the level 8 sheet with allure and tradein.

its very hard to run because every other goddamned hand is dead in the water from so many fatties.

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Zerato has an effect that ensures the attack goes through (you know your opponent might be playing monsters in his deck).


Your deck has valhalla and hecatrice you shouldn't have problem with high lvs. 3 trade in, 2 allures, 2 valhalla, 1 hecatrice and 2 gellenduo means you have 10 ways to play your big monster if you decide to go with that build.

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you obviously have never played fat fairies have you?


you arent going to draw valhalla unless you also draw hecatrice, you arent going to draw tradein with a level 8, and you arent going to draw gellenduo with anything.

you are going to get 4 level 8s and 2 level 7's in your starting hand.

welcome to fat fairy country.

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