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Bodies Make Great Fertilizer [Points available] Note: May contain traces of immense fail


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Monsters: 16


Skull Servant x3

Beast of the Pharaoh x3

Il Blud x3

King of the Skull Servants x3

Plaguespreader Zombie

The Lady in Wight x3


Spells: 17


Black Garden x3

Book of Life x3

Card of Safe Return

Hand Destruction x3

Inferno Reckless Summon x2

Level Limit - Area B

Monster Reborn

Mystical Space Typhoon

Terraforming x2


Traps: 7


Crush Card Virus

Limit Reverse x3

Solemn Judgment x3


Generic Extra Deck x15


30 Points to the following people


*who ever works out how this deck works

*who ever builds the best extra deck for it.


200 points to the first one who play-tests this build, online use is fine

^yes I'm that lazy^

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