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Star Wars Bounty Hunters 2: Rise of the Emperor


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[spoiler=Mind that I Join?]

Name: Ryko

Age(18-up): 24

Gender: Male

Species: Human



Home Planet: Coruscant(although his Birthplace was Dathomir)

Job: Bounty Hunter

Lightsaber(If one):

[spoiler=He actually has one and has a Similar weapon]





[spoiler=He had Stolen this from one of the Witches of Dathomir before escaping]


Emits the Same Glow as his Lightsaber.......





Team: He is a Mercenary

Bio: It is well known that he was Born on Dathomir, due to the Scars on his arms and other Places, He was able to Somehow escape the Slavery in Dathomir after Stealing a Lightwhip, after Surviving in the wilderness of Dathomir, He had been nearly eaten by Rancors, Until he stowed away on a Ship, After the people on that Ship had discovered his Presence, he had used his Lightwhip to kill them, and Took over the Ship, Where he had Found his Lightsaber he had today, He eventually Learned the ways of the Force, so he Went back to Dathomir and "persuaded" them to teach him the Dark Side of the Force, He now had Forgotten all but a few Force powers(Most Notably the ability to Control a Rancor and the ability to control his lightsaber) and now has a Massive Ship containing his Pet Rancor named Fluffy



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