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Star Wars Bounty Hunters 2: Rise of the Emperor


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OoC: Same here probs.


Keono anticipated Dan's next attack and blocked it using his knowledge of double sabers he twists it round using one saber to lock Dan's and the other side to get a direct hit to his body.


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Keono feels the burn in his back, he simply pulls out the saber and turns around.

Keono: Well done. However you will need to tighten up your defence a little.

He says as he looks down to see one end of his lightsaber pierced through Dan's body.


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Keono went hurtling backwards doing many backwards somersalts until he managed to stop and land on his feet, dizzy and startled about the power within this boy, he was the one... but ... would history repeat itself, the darkness, the anger, the power, the hate and the sith... all these thoughts went rushing through Keono's mind as he stared into the eyes of Daniello...

Keono: I did not expect that, training will resume soon. We must talk.


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