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Star Wars Bounty Hunters 2: Rise of the Emperor


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Keono: Training? I'd say in about 20 minutes. 10 minutes for the deltron spice to kick in, then another ten of us washing out our mouths ... yep. That spice wasn't the deltron spice, that was just some damn hot chilli.. trust me, you'll feel like someone lit a fire in your throat when the deltron spice kicks in...


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Keono: Water? Are you insane?

You can't cancel that out with water, you need fresh, Xyquine Ice!

Keono then grabs his through and screams


Keono rushes to his storage to find his freezer, he then grabs two chunks of the ice each about the size of his head. He throws one to Dan, he then begins crunching away at the ice block.


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Keono: Certainly. Follow me.

Keono went to the back of the room and went up against the wall, he then shut his eyes and the wall moved slightly to the left, just enough room for a person to go through, he signalled Dan to go through it and said to him;

Keono: This way please...


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Keono went in afterwards and shut the wall, he then flicked on a light revealing a large circular training room, containing many weapons, and a large window at the back with a beatiful view of the landscape of the unknown planet, in which he lives, there are many beautfiul patterns and pillars, it is rather wierd that his hut on an unknown planet could contain, such a large round room.

Keono: Like it? I built my hut around this, carefully hiding it.


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Keono used the force to pull Dan's saber away from him with ease.

Keono: And I already have you defenceless.

Keono then throws the saber into a basket on the side, he then uses the force to pull two lightsabers from a different basket. He then threw one to Dan. And shot out the saber of his own.

Keono: These are only test blades, so if eithre of us hit's the other, they will just feel an electric shock. But not a too powerful, but an electric shock nonetheless.


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Keono dodged the hit, and pushed dan with the force, he then threw him up against a wall.

Keono: Your attacks ar too abrupt and your defence, well it's just non-existant.

I sense anger in you boy, this anger will be the death of you, unless you learn to be at peace,


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Just as Dan landed Keono rolled to his left and used his power to slam Dan to the floor and put his saber towards Dan's neck, he stood above him, knowing his victory and Dan's flaws.

Keono: Hmm.... not a bad first try, but you're gonna have to improve.


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