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Escape From Carnate Island {The Suffering RP}(Started)(Still Accepting)


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Leon looked at the figure in the chair"What are you?"The figure laughed"You dont remember me do you Leon?"Leon walked closer"I dont know what your talking about."the figure laughed again"I stabbed you in the side and they ordered me to be killed."Leon put his hand on his side"Gregory?"The figure struggled"Yes Leon and Fredrickson to you remember him dont you?You should you pushed him into the gas chamber."Leon aimed the gun at the figure"Come on Leon Im made of electricity you cant hurt me Im not one of the inmates that were so insane that the transformed into these things."Leon put his gun down"What about Dr.Henery?"Gregory stood up"He died didnt he?He was a maniac he might be whats going on now Im not going to hold a grudge aginst you but Fredrickson is different Ill leave you people with this information learn to control your sanity and you can become one of them for a limited time desreguard what im telling you and you will join them."Gregory laughed and the chair exploded.


~whew that was alot lol

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ooc nice post


rayne stared awstruck at the place were gregory stood moments ago "ive seen some pretty crazy things in my life and that tops them all" she muttered as she heard the familiar bubbling sound of a mainliner. she looked behind her, the mainliners were swarming dozens of them were running down the hall. She turned back to the crowd "Run!" she exclaimed as she darted down the hall.

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Leon turned around and started shooting"Go Ill hold them off."Leon said as he put another clip in.The poisonious gas from the gas chamber slowly rose up infront of the mainliners.It then formed a human shape"Leon do you remember?"Leon moved his gun down"Yes and I know what I did."The shape moved"Release your insanity join us then we can finish off the last of the convicts."Leon pulled his gun up and shot a pipe in the wall causing it to blow fire and setting the shape on fire."Now you have screwed up do you know what can come from the fire?"Leon looked at the fire."I dont care."He ran and pushed the group until they started moving.He looks behind him as an Inferna Girl bolts around the corner.


~Inferna Girls I finally got a pic

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~dude if you want a insanity mode heres the form copy from mine

[spoiler=Insanity Mode Form]

Fighting Style:Brute Force








Leon stopped running and looked at her"Come on we need to get to the basement before Fredrickson recoves."Leon turned away and ran ahead he stopped and looked at Rayne"Look after the group Im going ahead to look for any survivers."Leon handed Rayne a walkie talkie then ran down the hall.

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A Criminal-Hired Assassin, He Killed All His Targets, Even The Innocent Who Saw. Justice Is A Master Of Pistol Combat, And Know's How To Kill a Man With A Half-Full Bullet

Insanity Mode Form

Fighting Style:

Fires Lance At Enemies

Logical(Justice Can Fight With Control)



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Leon smiles"Try to make it to the basement if you get stuck call me."Leon attaches the blades then continues down the hall.Leon walks to the cafetera and looked around then he grabbed the radio"Rayne to get to the basement you need to go through the D-block showers and then head into the C-block but the showers will be either covered in puddles or will be dry so watch out for mainliners they will keep coming until the water is gone."Leon clips the radio on his side then head into the A-block.

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