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[Insert Clever Plant Deck Name Here]

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Come Pollinate Me!


Monsters (21):

1x Tytannial, Princess of Camellias

2x Twilight Rose Knight

2x Copy Plant

1x Nettles

3x Lonefire Blossom

3x Botanical Girl

3x Gigantic Cephalotus

2x Horseytail

2x Lord Poison

1x Botanical Lion

1x Cactus Fighter


Spells (13):

3x Fragrance Storm

3x Black Garden

2x Miracle Fertilizer

1x Mark of the Rose

1x Giant Trunade

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Shrink

1x Monster Reborn


Traps (6):

3x Pollinosis

2x Ivy Shackles

1x Wall of Thorns


Extra Deck (14):

1x Goyo Guardian

3x Queen of Thorns

2x Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth

3x Black Rose Dragon

3x Stardust Dragon

2x Red Dragon Archfiend




So here's a funny story. I suck at deckbuilding, but I think this might be the best deck I've ever built. This, of course, means you guys'll rip it apart in seconds, which is cool, I suppose. If you could avoid suggesting anything too expensive, I'd very much appreciate it.


Also, I'm very open to suggestions for a side deck.

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Name the deck something along the lines of "Come Pollinate Me" for lulz and innuendo


I like it. Done!


Needs Tytannial.


I agree


-1 KRK

-1 Shackles


+2 Tytannial


Tytannial! I knew I was forgetting something. Thanks' date=' guys!


Name the deck something along the lines of "Come Pollinate Me" for lulz and In your endo



Yay for gays!



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