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Duel Masters Challenge (RESULTS ARE IN)(Contest Closed)


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OK, my last contest never did well becuse i made it too hard. This one will be different. Your job is to make two cards: a field card and an effect monster card.


The feild card will be able to activate your monster. The monster must have these three things in its effect: One, its owner must remove one card of the same type from his graveyard from play. Two, you must give up the same amount of life points as the level times 100. And three, this monster can not be summoned unless the field card you make is in play and it will be destroyed if the field card is destroyed. The picture must be from the game of duel masters and the Attack and defence must be the same. other then taht akll the other pointsw is up to you.


The first prize is 150 points. The second place is 50 points. all Players will get thier cards added to my new set, Duel Master's Surprise.



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It ends in November, doesn't it? Entry reserved then. And 1 more thing, you should give rep. too.


EDIT: duelmaster can you please correct your grammar on the first post? Additionally, what do you mean by "The field card will be able to activate your monster"? That the field will Summon the monster? And by "remove one card of the same type"? That you must remove 1 Dragon, Beast, Machine, etc.-Type or do you refer to Attribute (FIRE/WATER/DARK, etc.).

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