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Genetic Monstrosity Now with 7 Genetic Sins


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The Genetic Monstrosiy set is a set steming from the Cyber Dragons and then just adding something Completely new.


First the Deathalasaur is a new breed of card based in genetic research. It is for the techno dino deck that has yet to be made. deathalasaur's set has many branches and aids and things pointed to it for it in this set. Soon my next set will finish the Deathalasaur set.


Nest is the released Cyber Dragons. This set adds ways to summon Cyber Dragons and also adds a new way to use them that might prove more useful then Cyber End Dragon. Also the next set i am working on will feature more on these relaesed dragons.

New Cards on the bottom... Genetic Sin Monsters


Finally there is a minor role for the genetic Dragons here. Just a small set of 4 with no aids yet but i am working on them.


Genetic Monstrosity:



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the over powered cards are illusions, which is something i will show in the next few cards, but End Dragons weakness is in overfeild monstereffects, Equip cards to high powered cards, and its Deffense.

One card i am in the process of making now is called "Genetic Command" and it will actuall override monster effects and switch the monster's position. Also "Genetic Overload" is going to allow a special summon of a level 7 or 8 monster to the feild and add 2000 attack points, the drawback is that the monster exists for one turn, is removed from play, and the player gives up 2000 life points.


I understand now in retrospect though, and i am going to add a Life point cost for the End Dragon. Thanks! =)

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Here is the new less powerful Genetic Perfection End Dragon


New effect is

This card can not be special summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned by the effects of "Real Dragons". This card is not effected my magic or trap cards. This card can not be specifically designated by monster effects. you must sacrafise 3000 life points each turn during the Standby phase in oder for this card to remain on the feild. This monster can attack 3 times per battle phase. This card can not attack your opponets life points directly. If this monster is destroyed the player must give up 5000 life points or remove the top 15 cards from the top of his deck from play and toss his hand to the graveyard.

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cool cards but some are seriosly over powered' date=' like Gentic powered Archfiend and Genetic Ace Kyozaky



Those cards are not even remotely overpowered. Thats like saying charcoal inpachi is overpowered, just because its one star, would it make a huge difference if these cards were 4 star? not really, because it only really gives them the benefit of attacking under gravity bind and level limit- area b, and those are 2 cards in a deck. Raigeki and harpies feather duster are overpowered, not these.


Anyway, i don't really like these cards, and with the deathalasaur level 2, with 2500 ATK, i don't think there is anything that could allow it to attack twice per turn, so thats silly. And genetic perfection end dragon is silly, the odds of getting that thing on the field are like one in a million, so who cares if its effect is overpowered, if it only needed a normal ritual, then that WOULD be overpowered, but whos gonna have 5 monsters on the field, let alone 3 CyDras and 2 level 1's, that sort of difficulty would never see play. 4/10 i suppose

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Well there are lots of cards that enable monsters to attack more than once a turn... equip cards that cost attack points but allow multiple attacks. These are ment to be hard to summon.

As for Genetic Perfection... it is easier to summon then it looks. The reason for introducing powerful 1 star monsters is so it can last on the feild and as for teh Cyber dragons that is what i made "Genetic Monstrosity" for, it summons a Cyber dragon from the grave and Active genetics sends one to the grave. It is a combo that wont work if you don't have percise cards but still it is slightly more possible than you make it sound.


thanks though, i think in the next set summoning requirements wont be so specific

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Well there are lots of cards that enable monsters to attack more than once a turn... equip cards that cost attack points but allow multiple attacks. These are ment to be hard to summon.

As for Genetic Perfection... it is easier to summon then it looks. The reason for introducing powerful 1 star monsters is so it can last on the feild and as for teh Cyber dragons that is what i made "Genetic Monstrosity" for' date=' it summons a Cyber dragon from the grave and Active genetics sends one to the grave. It is a combo that wont work if you don't have percise cards but still it is slightly more possible than you make it sound.


thanks though, i think in the next set summoning requirements wont be so specific



Yeah i know about that card (Twin Swords of Flashing light, Tryce). But barely anybody, infact nobody, uses this card at an advanced level. Not being able to attack twice per turn is hardly a drawback to a level 2 card with 2500 ATK and a good ability. For example, if Breaker the magical warrior's ability meant that he couldn't attack twice per turn as a drawback, would he still be played? Yes. This kind of bad drawback on this 2500 ATK menace makes it far too overpowered. And i also don't think that cyber dragon needs another way to be brought out.

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