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Help this Section get more active?


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Guest JoshIcy

Alright... Seeing as I know nothing of WC.

I'm asking everyone to post their ideas how to make this place more active. And it's open range. From changed rules to allow SOME kind of pictures to the other things...


Suggest away lol... Yeah... :-|

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Guest JoshIcy

Maybe I didn't explain it better... But whatever.

Lol. Either way, I have an emotion? That this place can get more active like AoC.


Because it's raw ideas. This place is harder and yeah...

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Maybe I didn't explain it better... But whatever.

Lol. Either way' date=' I have an emotion? That this place can get more active like AoC.


Because it's raw ideas. This place is harder and yeah...



You're bein' all hippy, Icy. That's cool...


Anyhoo, maybe do some themed contest. Like making cards that are themed around a short story, amd eby a member of the site, for example. I dunno, just an idea.

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Guest JoshIcy

Works lol.

And how is that hippy? Hawaiian Pidgin English, is based around emotion...

I would have just said "dakine", but you wouldn't understand.


Thanks for that... I'll think of something soon then.

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The idea of the section is fine as it is.


It shouldn't be as active as the other card threads. I'm going to be a little more active in this thread in the near future, primarily because I'm sick of having an idea for a great card or set, then being forced to search here there and everywhere for an appropriate picture.


This is a thread for dump ideas that don't use pictures. All cards in the other sections are just written cards put through the Card Maker with an image.


Good ideas that are either too abstract or quickly designed are what should be found here. The next step after making a good written card/set is finding pictures. Would you seriously make an entire card set and find pictures for each individual card just to find out that the idea was garbage and time was merely wasted?


I'm bored to tears of thrashing on the Realistic Cards section, and I know that a lot of it comes from card makers who find a good picture first, then think "Oh I could make a good card to match that picture!" and the idea turns out horribly constructed.


I've seen some great ideas in this section, even some that overshadow just about anything I've seen in the other card sections. A card doesn't need a picture to be considered a card. The effect and stats on the card are what define the card and its ability.


This section doesn't get as much attention because every newbie and their cousin flies right into the other sections with their brilliant ideas and matching pictures. This section is often a little more refined because there's not as much effort required. Make an effect and stats, post it up. It allows a lot more time for the creative process.


These are just my thoughts. I'm working on three card sets as of now, and plan to post them in this Written Cards section before I bother going through the task of finding pictures for every single one of them. >_>

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Guest JoshIcy

Lolz. Yeah...

I usually think of the effect first, then bend the effect around the image I find.


If anything, how I make an effect is more Written Cards than not.

But seeing as most of it is just 1 card at a time, it isn't wise that I post them here.


But I digress. This place has the feel of a pseudo-rp thing going.

You have to think on each of it all. So there is a little spice somewhere, I can't find it though...

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Skyson, you speak of WC as if it was no more than a stepping stone, and that every card maker worth the name should have RC in mind.


That is where you are wrong.


A card I myself post in WC, and I'm sure this goes for most people, is a finished card. If I would look for images for all the cards I've made, which should be a few hundred - I think someone said a while ago that I had made over a thousand, but I doubt that - I wouldn't be the one I am today. I certainly wouldn't be the King if I thought of this section as a springboard.


Also, the "lower effort" you speak of doesn't exist. The time usually spent to create the card and look for an image is spent on the card itself instead, but that doesn't lower the "effort" at all.

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Skyson' date=' you speak of WC as if it was no more than a stepping stone, and that every card maker worth the name should have RC in mind.


That is where you are wrong.[/quote']


Well, it's actually where I'm right, but I never meant to make that point. I'm sick of looking at the Realistic Cards section as a whole. I wasted my time posting any cards in that section, to be honest. This is a stepping stone for some individuals, and I must applaud you for the blanketing statement, though I didn't make it completely clear why I said what I said.


This section IS a stepping stone for people who have a giant set in mind but don't have the pictures prepared, who want to collect feedback from others with regards to how good their Set is. After a few helpful ideas are collected, they gather the pictures and post them up on RC. More power to them.


Not everyone does this, though. I didn't exemplify that point enough, I guess. RC is not the pinnacle of created cards on this site, not by a longshot. It's the breeding ground for ****tards while being splashed around with actually decent card makers, thus creating a giant thread of non-harmonious stuff. I go there primarily to rip cards apart because I know for a fact that every 4 out of 5 topics I go into will have a horrible card asking to be torn apart. >_>


I was starting to fall into the loop myself, really. I would find a picture and try to apply an effect to it, or have an effect in mind and then start conforming some of my ideas to make sense with the picture. That's a stupid idea, and I'm done doing it. I'll make this statement now.


Any future cards and/or Sets that I create will be posted under the Written Cards section first, then, if I feel like putting forth the effort, they will be published in any other sections after pictures have been obtained.


I've fallen into a fail trend, and I'm hopping out of it. I have good Set ideas, but I end up messing them up because of a good picture. That's not how cards should be made. I highly respect the Written Cards section and view it as possibly the most talented section of the forum.


Just think to yourself, why is it that so many newbies post in other topics? They find a good picture and slap on an effect, often resulting in garbage. To post a written card idea here requires nothing more than your own thought. Nothing to base stats or an effect off of, not even a base for a name. Everything is right off the top of your head, exactly the way a custom card theme should be.


A card I myself post in WC, and I'm sure this goes for most people, is a finished card. If I would look for images for all the cards I've made, which should be a few hundred - I think someone said a while ago that I had made over a thousand, but I doubt that - I wouldn't be the one I am today. I certainly wouldn't be the King if I thought of this section as a springboard.


I understand this perspective and wholeheartedly agree. This may be the perspective I take on, as well. I have had so many ideas recently but never thought about looking for pictures. It's amazing how I've melded it into my mind from being here such a [comparatively] short time that I 'need' a picture for my cards. I'm done thinking like that. Being a master of Written Cards, in essence being a master of unique and/or interesting concepts, is something I could easily embrace, as I believe you are telling me you have. To make so many different conceptual card sets, totalling in the hundreds, is impressive.


I should bump my Card Compendium, I know it's hiding in this thread, some 50 pages down. It had 200+ written card sets, it was some of my favorite stuff. I'll look into it.


Also, the "lower effort" you speak of doesn't exist. The time usually spent to create the card and look for an image is spent on the card itself instead, but that doesn't lower the "effort" at all.


Taken the wrong way. There is more effort (time spent = effort spent) put into making a card based off an iI mage versus thinking of a concept and expanding upon it. You took offense to this in the sense I was criticizing how easy it was to type up a couple of cards and post them, versus the time spent finding and applying a picture with an effect. It takes more time to make a card with a picture, that's an undeniable fact. If you're arguing that coming up with a concept takes longer, you're arguing an odd point. If you've got the natural skill it takes to make a custom card theme without the aid of pictures, you should be able to do it at your leisure.


The Realistic Cards section is for people who want to make their cards known, such as "Hey, I feel like making a card, let's get a picture and roll with a cool effect."


The Written Cards section is for people who have come up with an interesting idea that they want to expand upon while gaining feedback from others. "This idea might be good, what do you guys think?"


It sounds lamer than it is, but I'm going to be more active on this section. I need to get back to what I do best, creating themes and concepts for written cards. The Realistic Cards section has been a major waste of my time, and will probably be used to vent some frustration on **** cards. =D

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Guest JoshIcy

The Realistic Cards section is for people who want to make their cards known' date=' such as "Hey, I feel like making a card, let's get a picture and roll with a cool effect."



That I will have to neutralize.

As not all of us (I myself being part of this), do not ever create a card for that reason. I create it to express my own creativity and show my card for the little praise I may get.

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That I will have to neutralize.

As not all of us (I myself being part of this)' date=' do not ever create a card for that reason. I create it to express my own creativity and show my card for the little praise I may get.



I figured you would be one to contradict that statement. It was sort of a blanket statement, and I know there are others in the RC section that actually have a reputation as decent card makers. I don't mean to discredit them, but [sadly] those individuals don't make up the large majority of that section. Diamonds in the rough, sadly.

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I honestly feel that Written Cards is where you have an idea so detailed and "narrow" (this is not meant to be negative) that you can't find adequate pictures to portray this idea to others. For example, who in their honest mind is going to draw a picture of a gigantic worm used by an underground civilization of trash-building insects as a way to dig tunnels? (This is a preview of my new set, BTW.) No? I didn't think so. Therefore, that's why I drop my stuff here; to not be limited by pictures.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[align=center]Most of the reasons why the thread is not active is because most people don't like non-image cards.


I like the Written Cards section because you don't have to hassle to get an image.[/align]




Frankly, card images are too much effort. Plus, WC has a smaller amount of noobs to deal with, therefore a relieving sigh from my usual Your Deck and TCG sections. Another thing is that veterans who have stuck around here are really good card makers and have innovative ideas (see Blitzer and Umbra).


So yeah.

WC for Prez.

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[align=center]Most of the reasons why the thread is not active is because most people don't like non-image cards.


I like the Written Cards section because you don't have to hassle to get an image.[/align]


Now that's hitting the nail on the head. It is indeed quite a shame in that respect, but it is very true. I also find that written cards are better, but mainly because they are easier to fix - if there's a typo or it needs an errata you simply retype it, but with an imaged card you've gotta redo the whole frickin' thing.


The only thing I could think of for making this Section more popular would be using this place to type out cards from Fanfiction. I know that for people like me that would make for an easy reference point.

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Personally, I don't quite know why it's so quiet. I prefer written cards on the whole, since they really get to the point. I know that some people like having the images, and I agree it does give a little more feel to the card but it's still not so important to me.


There's not a lot to say really, other than the fact that, looking around, I do feel that the general quality of cards around here is a little better. I think that when the image is left out, or put as an afterthought, people really do pay more attenton to the balance and other aspects of the card.


I think I'll just stick to this section for now, especially since I'm so awful at finding pictures =P

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Personally' date=' I don't quite know why it's so quiet. I prefer written cards on the whole, since they really get to the point. I know that some people like having the images, and I agree it does give a little more feel to the card but it's still not so important to me.


There's not a lot to say really, other than the fact that, looking around, I do feel that the general quality of cards around here is a little better. I think that when the image is left out, or put as an afterthought, people really do pay more attention to the balance and other aspects of the card. =p



Very true.

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