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The wrath of Galaxies. A pokemon Rp. {Started} Still accepting new members.

Mr. Hyde

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ooc:Somewhere in a forest

"Pokeball go!" The pokeball shakes left and right until it stop. "Alright I caught Whimsur. Now let see what to called you." I jerk back. "Come on out.....Whisper!" Whimsur appear and start to scream. I fell to ground. "Wrong name...." Whimsur hop on my chest. ".....but I guess you like it. Let eat everyone."

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I hear a loud explosion while eating. I hurry and chomp down the sandwich and return everyone back to their pokeball. "I wondering what happen. Probably a pokemon battle." I smiled. "Cool I get to see a battle!" I grabbed my backpack and ran toward the fight.

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I saw a thunder strike the ground. "Cool! Come on out....Magnet!!!" Magnemite appear. "Alright Magnet try to draw up the electric current and find out where this battle is at." Magnet stood still until a line of electric surround it. It started moving in a direction. "Alright! I hope I not missing anything good."

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The electric line surrounding Magnemite was growing bigger and intensity. "We're getting close." Smoke was coming out of no where. I cough. "Wish I had a water or flying pokemon." A bunch of flying pokemon was flying away from the forest. "I guess this isn't a natural cause when a Ranger when you need them." I coughed while still following Magnemite.

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I looked at the use to be forest. It was completely destroy and burned. I realize Magnemite was under me. "Magnet return!" I looked and saw Conner and looked waryed. I coughed as I kicked the ground. "Something tell me this wasn't a normal battle." I looked at Conner and waited for an answer.

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I look at Conner. "No. Not that I know of. I came here because I thought a battle was going on here. So I figure I learn something." I turned to Clay. "and thank you. His name is Magnet because he can can attract electric currents around him and thus power himself up or may electric attack useless. He has a high resistance of it." I faced both of them. "Where are my manners? My name is Rookie."

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