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The wrath of Galaxies. A pokemon Rp. {Started} Still accepting new members.

Mr. Hyde

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Welcome to the world of pokemon, My name is Proffesor Jones. We live in a world inhabited by creatures called pokemon. The journey to be champion will be....What's that shaking. Palkia...i didn't knew it existed. Dialga to...GIRATINA...Tyler call the authoritie....AHHH!!


Story: Dialga and Palkia have been fighting again. But this time, their encounter has ripped a hole in space and time. Arceus has been closed off from our world, and team galactic is taking advantage of it. They are making machines called deployers to go and catch all of the frightened pokemon and maybe even Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina. Maybe we can help.





Account Name:







Team Galactic

Account Name:






EDIT: You can have the choice to have Dark Pokemon. More powerful but evil forms of pokemon



Account Name:








Account Name: .:Super Sonic_Zach:.

Name: Clay Arrison





Bio: He was born a champion and has won many battles. Although he is lazy he loves to battle.

Personality: Caring, Brave, Bold.

Pokemon: Ampharos, Typhlosion, Gyrados, Gliscor, Hitmonlee, Aerodactyl


Account: rookie


Bio:A rookie trainer that love to collect pokemon at their lowest level. Smart and talented, he develop a bond with his pokemon and specialize in combination attack they may lead to devasting results.

Personality:Calm, smart, and quiet

Pokemon: Munkay (Aipom,lazy, but strong he sleep on his head), Magnet (Magnemite), Whisper (Whimsur), Iron (Aron), Compass (Nosepass), and Crocodile (Totodile)


Account Name: Kotaro

Name: Astin Kay





Bio:Has always been shy and quiet. But when with he his with his pokemon or in Pokemon battles, he is the opposite.

Personality: Kind, caring

Pokemon: Scissor, Cranidos, Flygon, Elekid, Crawdaunt, Umbreon



Account Name:Cerberus21


Name:Conner Darkhart


Appearance: 59916.jpg


Bio: Conner was found by a team Galactic member when he was a baby, abandoned by his parents. As Conner grew up, he was told about the "Wonderful" things team Galactic did by his adopted-father (the Galactic Grunt). When Conner was 16 he discovered how Galactic really operated, and decided he would single-handedly destroy them. Because of his upbringing and adopted-father's lies, he finds it hard to trust anyone. His favorite pokemon is Haunter, and Haunter was his first pokemon.


Personality:Dark, untrusting, hard to win over. A very good trainer who cares deeply about his Pokemon, but nothing else. Is willing to risk everything to stop team Galactic


Pokemon: Haunter, Drapion, Totodile, Luxray, Typhlosion, Scizor



Account Name: Haseo

Name: Train Blaze

Appearance: http://bloodyangelrose.deviantart.com/ar...n-64347093

Bio: A young man who loves to battle with pokemon. He treats all his pokemon the same and never gives up unless he becomes bored.

Personality: Stubborn, kind, carefree, smart, talkative, lazy, and something else i just forgot.

Pokemon: Salamance ,Scizor, Charizard, Steelix, Dragonite, and Gyrados



Team Galactic


Account Name: .:Super Sonic_Zach:.

Rank: Leader

Name: Verse Parraalel

Personality: Rutheless, annoying, psychotic, lonely.

Pokemon: Heracross (Dark), Slowbro (Dark), Rampardos (Dark), Arbok (Dark), Torterra (Dark), Bronzong (Dark)


Account Name:codypops

rank: Co leader

Name:Cody wood.

Personality: an evil 27 year old

Pokemon: Dragonite (Dark), Bagon (Dark), Dragonair (Dark), Gabite (Dark), Garchomp (Dark), Salamance (Dark)


Account Name:shadow mir

Rank:2 stars

Name:Vincent Dainthertz

Personality:Funny and Impatient

Pokemon: Sableye, Nuzleaf, Blaziken, Mightyena, Gallade, Glaceon


Account Name:Cerberus21


Name:Axel Darkhart

Personality:Very Consciencious. Always questioning his actions with the team. He's a genius who always plans ahead.

Pokemon:Honchkrow, Raichu, Gyaradow, Umbreon, Houndoom, Charzard




Account Name: KWLegend

Species: Happiny

Name: Happiny


1. Rest

2. Sleap Talk

3. Last Resort

4. Drain Punch



account name:starly


name:fly buddy


brave bird


aeriel ace

close combat



Account Name: .:Super Sonic_Zach:.

Species: Ditto

Name: Copy


Exact Transform: Becomes an exact clone of any pokemon.


Account Name: cyborg878

Species: Espeon

Name: Baron

Moves: Psybeam



Dream Eater





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Account Name: Kotaro

Name: Astin Kay



Bio:Has always been shy and quiet. But when with he his with his pokemon or in Pokemon battles, he is the opposite.

Personality: Kind, caring

Pokemon: Scissor, Cranidos, Flygon, Elekid, Crawdaunt, Umbreon

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Account Name:Jeroukoo



Bio:Has played with pokemoin ever since he was a kid. He never trains his pokemon but has a close bond with them.

Personality:Headstrong, nice.

Pokemon:Squirtle and Budew (If you can't have more than one, pm me and i will change this.)

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Account Name:Cerberus21


Name:Conner Darkhart




Bio: Conner was found by a team Galactic member when he was a baby, abandoned by his parents. As Conner grew up, he was told about the "Wonderful" things team Galactic did by his adopted-father (the Galactic Grunt). When Conner was 16 he discovered how Galactic really operated, and decided he would single-handedly destroy them. Because of his upbringing and adopted-father's lies, he finds it hard to trust anyone. His favorite pokemon is Haunter, and Haunter was his first pokemon.


Personality:Dark, untrusting, hard to win over. A very good trainer who cares deeply about his Pokemon, but nothing else. Is willing to risk everything to stop team Galactic


Pokemon: Haunter, Drapion, Totodile, Luxray, Typhlosion, Scizor

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Account Name: Haseo
Name: Train Blaze
Appearance: http://bloodyangelrose.deviantart.com/ar...n-64347093
Bio: A young man who loves to battle with pokemon. He treats all his pokemon the same and never gives up unless he becomes bored.
Personality: Stubborn, kind, carefree, smart, talkative, lazy, and something else i just forgot.
Pokemon: Salamance ,Scizor, Charizard, Steelix, Dragonite, and Gyrados
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