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Gyfts [-.-, Gift added!]

§hadow §triker

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[align=center]Here I will post gifts for those members who i feel deserve it




[spoiler=[b]Father Wolf[/b] ---> A great GFX'er with an awesome Image Archive. This gift was previously posted]






[spoiler=[b]Hobbes96[/b] ---> Helped me with sig making]






[spoiler=[b].:BleshB:.[/b] ---> Helped me when I was a new member. He also helped me with my sigs]






[spoiler=[b]-.-[/b] ---> An awesome member. Make very good vector sigs, from scratch.]






~JG~ ---> Another great member and GFX'er.


.:Mirage:. ---> Cool in general. An active member, I can see by post count.


Seta Sojiro ---> Generous. Making a lot of gifts, and doing a good job with them.


Kaden™ ---> A good friend


haris ---> Awesome guy. Great GFX'er and gives good CnC. Can be harsh but is always helpful.


Καsτοr ---> Sig making student. Keep trying, you're getting better. =)


Don't ask for a gift. I'll make it if you deserve it.[/align]

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Thank you. New sig .xcf sent via pm.


And yes' date=' I know your not fat, you can be like, an on diet santa. the one that eats sprinkle instead of sugar cookies.



Lol. Ok. our sig is getting better.

Keep trying.

Make another sig, and try to include all the needed elements, then I will add you to my gift list. =)

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