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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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"Yes and maybe, if you can keep me in the center of the attack, Ill have a 75% chance of turning it back, and thats at best, theres a 15% chance of it Exploding and a 10% chance that it will just burn us to ash" Zaar said

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"Ok give me a bit" he said as he started to channel the attack into his hand, after 5 minutes its size was cut in half and the orb was almost finished "So far so good"

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"You know that you just made it harder, I have to now alter the absorbtion pattern which will make the percentage of success 45%." He yelled as he gathered more of the attack around him, "2 more mintues til we find out"

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"Its not done yet, by 2 minutes i meant of more lava would come up" zaar said as the attack was almost gone. "How much longer can you hold on up there" he said to his possible friend

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Smerte looked around. There was a lot of fighting going around, and this was his first day here. What's going on?


He saw a girl, who looked she was exhausted and tired. She looked hurt. Smerte's green eyes flashed, and he started healing the girl.


"I'm here to help. I'm Smerte, who are you?"

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"I tried it.... because... I wanted to see what would happen and if i had better control" he turned to his new possible friend, "If you want I could try flame healing, its what i just used to restore my energy"

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Zaar tried for at least an hour to heal Refia before it started to work, "Ok you should be all set but theres a small problem, the next time you are in a cold tyrain, you could lose a lot of your energy"

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