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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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well i guess... any way did you know that a few people in this school has an special condition. 3 so far. each one has a spirit of someone else in them. another being that sometimes gains control. the 3 people are, refia and zaar the 2 poeple takin away, and me. and that curse has been the worst thing in my life.

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Servans made quick work of the soldiers and rejoined Zaar and Refia, as the group was about to exit, someone blocked their way, it was Rina.


"O Zaarie, i wished this didn't have to be the last time i got to see you, but now i have to kill you. Open the Doors to Death, Toketsu Daraku" she said as her scythe came out


A weird voice was coming within Zaar, a person, a thing, something was trying to help him, all of a sudden time froze, Zaar was in a different area, within himself, and in there with him was a person dressed in all black. "Who are you" Zaar Asked as he noticed his sword was gone


"I am your sword, you should know by now each sword has its own name and their own owner set by destiny, and I happen to be yours, now to unlease my full power, like your sister has with her blades you must know my name."


After a few seconds which felt like hours within zaars soul


"Let the Darkness Break Through into the light, Gesshoku Masamune" he said as his sword grew 3 times its normal height

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Harley looked at Jayson. "Really? I didn't know that happened. Snow said that he was a human soul trapped in a wolf's body, but I still don't believe it. I wonder if I should now....." she said. "What happened to you with your spirit?" she asked.


"You, weird lady, are getting on my last good nerve." Refia told Rina angryly.(sp?)


OoC: My mom says that I get on her last good nerve all the time :D .....o.o maybe that's a bad thing now

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"Ready to die Zaarie" Rina said as she dashed forward with her scythe


"ITs not me whos going to die Sister, Refia if you want you can fight her with me, but I know you are still weak" he said as he started to rush forward

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"Just work on keeping up, Me and my sister both have superspeed, dont worry if your powers dont work or that u dont have your sword" he said as his sword clashed with his sisters scythe.


"So you want a hyper speed battle, Zaarie, have it your way" she said as she she backed off and made a small tornado with her scythe

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"Show off." Refia muttered about Rina. "A tornado?Well then, flying won't work." she said and braced herself.


EDIT: OoC: I won't b on for the rest of the day, because I'm going to a marching band festival to watch bastionsgirl and I won't be home until midnight -.- yeah, I'm mad too.

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Zaar disappeared behind Rina and left a fatal slash, "Refia lets go, that will keep her down while we escape, o and next time sister, I will end you" he said as he grabbed refia and used Shunpo to get back to the school


Moments later they were back, in front of their rooms


OOC: I just finished that real quick cause im going to be playing Blue Dragon all day

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Guest King of Games

"Well, Looks who's back. I can't sleep anyway with all this noise in the school."

Jack appeared at the door of his room. "You two enjoy yourselves?

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well, mine was a demon from times past, who did alot of bad things any way, because of an unfortunate circumstance, i had to except him as my other. a couple ofyears passed and a girl i knew, took me to the most beutifle place you could think of on a, well, half date. but an enemy of mine attacked hurt her, made me mad and uleased the monster in me. i killed not only him, but her and 3 other people. that is why it feels weird being near you. you both share the same eyes. i'm sorry. this is alot to understand. mabye i should go.

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Guest King of Games

"sure just wait a bit 'til im at full strength if you want a real match" Jack looked at his

bandages. "And ill be wanting my medalian back now." he said holding out his hand.

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"Here, im sorry for taking it but it was sort of needed" he said as he placed it Jacks hand.

After walking around school he decided to post a notice, a open challenge to anyone and that person was to meet Zaar in the arena.

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Guest King of Games

"And im sorry about the whole insulting-your-girl-thing. I'd tell her that myself, but i

dont think she'd listen." Jack told Zaar as he left. "Hope you'll be at your best, cause i

dont expect any less from you"

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"Here" he said as he passed Jack a healing salve, "I stole this from the agency, use it and your wounds will heal, theres only enough for one use tho" he muttered as he went to the arena

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