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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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OoC: I guess we can try to help o.o but i don't know what to do either =/


Bic: "Well, what do we do now, Snow?" Harley asked. The wolf was healing himself and said through Harley's mind, I don't know. I guess we'll have to wait. Harley frowned at this and sighed.

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OoC: Well, Zaar and Refia were captured by Zaar's Evil Agency Sister, So I believe the tournament is postponed until they can be released. And now Harley and Snow are injured, alongside Jack, who is already with me at the nurses station. Harley and Snow are the only two people that need medical attention really.

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Guest King of Games

Jack woke up some hours later heavily bandaged. "What happened while i was out? the last thing i remember was me losing to Zaar and coming here." He looked around to see who was there.


ooc: Too bad about that gk

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Rina looked up at her boss and started to report, "I captured two people, one being a girl, around 16 im guessing, the other person happened to be my brother, Zaar" she said with a serious tone

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"I don't know the girls, I know my brother has super speed, the rest of his powers are from his sword, which contains a ansestor of ours" she said as she presented the sword

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Back in the cell....................


Zaar was unfrozen but layed on the floor, it hasn't been the first time he was in this cell


Rina looked at her boss and asked him a question "What do you want me to do, like last time can i see if Zaar has changed his mind about joining"

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ooc: no offence but, some of the people are lost here like kase. with your whole little thing byakuya no else can realy do anything. at least don't cancel the tourny. without it the other members are seriously lost and like kase don't know what to do. i can try to convince kase to re-join but i'm afraid unless both you and shaymin are both on 24/7 or if they get freed in the next 12 hours, alot of members wil get discouraged with not being able to move it along and the rp will fade.

edit: suggestion: why not make an organization outbreak, a couple of random members, probably never to be seen agian (like the naruto sound ninja, who attacked sasuke when he first got the curse mark) and the rp will have a little more activity

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OoC; never thought of that *hits own head* I didn't say the tourny was canceled, you can still fight, it's just like Refia and Zaar wouldn't be there, act like they've never been there, or something. I'm sorry!


Bic: "Well then move along!" he boomed.


Back at school....


Harley got up and held on to Snow for support as they walked to her room. I wish that I could have been more of a help she thought to herself.

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