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Gifted Boarding School Roleplay


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"Yes you can say that, here let me take care of the ice" he said as he raised a bit of heat, "Now Rina, I guess you did join the Agency like the rest of the family"


"Now Zaarie, why do you refuse to join, even after all these years" she said softly

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He notices the shards around him melt. "Thanks, Zaar." He immediately recognized the word "Agency", which then brought some memories back in his mind. "Agency?! What Agency?!" He stopped smiling for the first time ever since he was in the school. He was now very interested in knowing what he meant by Agency.

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Josh wanted more than anything to know about this "Agency" they were talking about, but he knew that he would probably be starting trouble with Zaar if he had continue to stay any longer. He wasn't prepared to take on both of them at once. So he dispelled his wind and walked towards the arena, picked up what remained of Jack and then walked over to Zaar. "Just one request, make sure that Refia and the wolf are safe, ok?" He then exits the arena and runs out towards the nurses station. He hopes that Zaar would make sure that Refia and the wolf would be safe. He looks over at Jack who is bleeding uncontrollably from all the cuts. "Don't worry, I'm gonna get you help!"

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"So sister, what do you plan to do, bring me back to the Agency or kill me"


"Well first im bringing this girl with me, but ill still give u the offer to join, im sure you will be accepted by everyone, come on Zaarie" she said innocently

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"So then sis, I guess its time to fight" he said as he drew his sword


"I guess so Zarrie, ill just take you back by force then" she said as she drew he Cresant Daggers

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Rina noticed that the wolf bit her, she flipped it into the air and hit it backwards as she rushed towards Zaar with her blades coated with Ice


Zaar rushed at Rina at the same time, with his blade enflamed

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"that's a nice name. i'm jayson. it seems your four legged friend an off somewhere. huh?" jaysons state of bliss vanished, and his powers and thoughts came back to him. as if he just crashed on earth. "this isn't good. listen, i have news you may not like. both your pet and all the others here are in danger. there's no time to explain. i will finish the song later but know we need to go." grabs the girls arm, and pulls her through a portal of shadow leading to the arena right near refia and the wolf. as sone as he gets there he leaves her near a tree and climbs to the top of it and starts playing his eclipse flute, to distract refia's attacker.

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Guest King of Games

"I think i still have a little bit of Zaar's powers for now. I saw him using this trick to heal

his wounds when i first met him. I cant do it as well but i can close the major wounds."

Jack began running the flame over a large cut. It healed but still left a mark. He did this

for as many of his cuts as possible before the flame died out. "That takes care of the worst of it." now would be a good time for that nurse." Jack went to sleep.

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Snow whined. Where was Harley??? She would be here by now. He had to get Refia out of here.He stood up weakly and started to nudge the now frozen Refia to the side. He had a way to thaw her out if Harley would be here.


Harley was confused. "Huh...? SNOW!" she yelled as she saw him hit the ground.She ran up to her wolf as he tried to push Refia, and tried to help him.

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The blades of Zaar and Rina sent flames and ice all over the place, the fight was pretty balance but the soon Zaar would give out


Zaar Half of this post:

*Pant* *Pant* "Scatter Senbonkazure" he shouted as he blade disappeared and in return appeared leafs


Rina's Half of this Post:


"Open the Doors to Death, Toketsu Daraku" She said as her left blade swifted and joined with her other blade to make a scythe with a frozen aura

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Zaar looked over for a second and noticed Jayson "Get out of here NOW, this is family matters" he yelled as he ordered his petals towards Rina


Rina spinned her scythe to keep herself from getting hurt from Zaar's attack

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Zaar collasped after a direct attack from his sister as she frozen him and went to grab Refia, when she noticed she was moved, she knocked away the people in her way and disappeared with zaar and refia in hand

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Rina arrived at the Agency and went to the prison, she locked Zaar and Refia in a magic proof room and took away there weapon, for she had to report to her superior about the new prisoners

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